Meeting documents

Licensing Committee
Wednesday, 20th June, 2018 2.00 pm

Meeting Venue:Committee Room 2
Meeting Status:Confirmed
Meeting Access:This meeting is open to the public
Meeting Description:Please note this meeting will begin at 2:00 pm or on the rising of the Licensing & Regulatory Committee, whichever is the later.

Member Attendance

Cessford, Trevor MemberYes
Crosby, William MemberYes
Gibson, Rupert McLure Vice ChairYes
Hutchinson, James Ian ChairYes
Lang, James Aidan MemberYes
Nisbet, Kathleen MemberNo
Parry, Kenneth MemberYes
Pattison, Wendy MemberYes
Purvis, Mark Andrew MemberNo
Richards, Margaret Evelyn MemberYes
Roughead, Gregah Alan MemberYes
Seymour, Catherine MemberYes
Sharp, Alan MemberNo
Stow, Kenneth George MemberNo
Wilson, Thomas Sinclair MemberYes

01 Agenda Letter
 Agenda Letter 
02 Minutes 24.04.18
03 Gambling Policy - Review of Principles - Covering Report
03.1 Gambling Act Statement of Principles 2019-22
04 Government Response to Consultation on Proposals for changes to Gaming Machines and Social Responsibility Measures
05 Licensing Act - Revised Section 182 Guidance
Final Minutes (11)