Meeting documents

North Northumberland Local Area Planning Committee
Thursday, 23rd July, 2020 3.00 pm

Meeting Venue:Northern View (formerly the Jubilee Club)
Meeting Status:Cancelled
Meeting Access:This meeting is open to the public
Meeting Description:Please note that some Local Area Council meetings deal only with planning applications, whereas other Local Area Council meetings are divided into two parts. For the meetings that are divided into two, the first part deals with local planning applications. The second part deals with other local area council business. You may not wish to attend for the whole meeting. Please refer to the agenda letter for further details of timings.

Member Attendance

Bridgett, Steven Christopher Vice ChairNot Yet Known
Castle, Gordon ChairNot Yet Known
Clark, Terence MemberNot Yet Known
Hill, Georgina Emma Rowley MemberNot Yet Known
Lawrie, Roderick Malcolm Gordon MemberNot Yet Known
Murray, Anthony Harkness MemberNot Yet Known
Pattison, Wendy MemberNot Yet Known
Renner-Thompson, Guy MemberNot Yet Known
Roughead, Gregah Alan MemberNot Yet Known
Seymour, Catherine MemberNot Yet Known
Thorne, Trevor Norman Vice Chair (Planning)Not Yet Known
Watson, Jeffrey George MemberNot Yet Known