Decision details


Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Summary of New Capital Proposals considered by Officer Capital Strategy Group 




(a )     Children’s Residential Homes:


a)       Cabinet approve the reallocation of capital funds of £1.260 million in 2023-24 from Black Close House to purchase six private residential properties which will support the development of multi-building children’s residential homes in Northumberland.


b)       Cabinet approve that delegated authority is given to the Executive Director for Children, Young People and Education to enter into a contract(s) for the acquired units as and when they are identified up to the approved budget limit.


(b )     BT Openreach Gainshare receipt


a)       Cabinet approve the receipt of BT Openreach gainshare funding amounting to £2.145 million. 


b)       Cabinet approve the addition of £2.145 million to the Council’s capital expenditure budget in 2023-24 to be split as follows:


i)        Repayment to Building Digital UK (BDUK) of £0.989 million (46.11% of the total gainshare receipt) as per terms of the Contract; and,


ii)        £1.156 million into Community Broadband in respect of enabling additional premises to access the £2,500 top up voucher to help provide gigabit connectivity in the hardest to reach areas


(c )     Levelling Up Funding for Rapid Electric Vehicle (EV) Chargers:


a)       Cabinet approve the receipt of Levelling Up funding amounting to £0.453 million awarded to the Council for the provision of ten new rapid EV chargers to be delivered between April 2023 and March 2025, split as follows:


£0.347 million in 2023-24; and,


£0.106 million in 2024-25.


b)       Cabinet note the match funding NCC contribution of £0.050 million (10%) from the existing capital allocation in the Climate Change Capital Fund in 2024-25, creating a total budget of £0.503 million.





(d )     Alnwick Playhouse – Replacement of Lighting Rig:


a)       Cabinet approve the creation of a new capital project in 2023-24 for the installation of a new lighting rig at Alnwick Playhouse to ensure that the main auditorium is fully health and safety compliant.


b)       Cabinet approve the reallocation of capital funds of £0.100 million in 2023-24 from   Ashington North East Quarter Redevelopment (Phase 2) to Alnwick Playhouse Lighting Rig to fund installation of the new rig.


c)       Cabinet note that the Strategic Regeneration Projects budget will reallocate £0.100 million to the Ashington North East Quarter Redevelopment (Phase 2) project in 2024-25.



Publication date: 11/07/2023

Date of decision: 11/07/2023

Decided at meeting: 11/07/2023 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: