Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
The report presents to Cabinet, the updated
Budget 2025-26, Medium Term Financial Plan 2025-29 and 30 year
Business plan for the Housing Revenue Account.
1.1 Cabinet approve the Housing Revenue Account 2025-26 budget as detailed within Appendix 1, which will reduce the balance on the HRA reserve from £24.379 million at 31 March 2025, to £16.030 million at 31 March 2026; and note the indicative budgets to 2028-29 which will reduce the balance of the HRA reserve to £12.178 million;??
1.2 Cabinet note that from 1 April 2025, social housing rent will be increased by Consumer Price Index (CPI) plus 1.00% as per the previously agreed Rent Standard. The budget detailed in Appendix 1 assumes that rents will rise by CPI 1.70% plus 1.00% with recoverable service charges also rising by CPI plus 1.00% for the period 1 April 2025 to 31 March 2026;
1.3 Cabinet approve the increase of 2.70% for housing rents from 1 April 2025 in line with the Government rent standard;?
1.4 ?Cabinet approve the increase of 2.70% for housing service charges from 1 April 2025;
1.5 Cabinet approve the Non-Recurrent Growth Item of £1.000 million for additional resources to tackle the backlog in the turnaround of void properties (detailed in point 6.11);
1.6 Cabinet approve the Non-Recurrent Growth Item of £0.600 million for demolition costs of unused dwellings (detailed in point 6.11);
1.7 Cabinet approve the Non-Recurrent Growth Item of £0.400 million for additional consumable materials (detailed in point 6.11);
1.8 Cabinet approve the use of £0.400 million from the Rent Hardship Fund Reserve, to contribute to the additional non recurrent growth. (detailed in point 6.6);
1.9 Cabinet approve the use of £2.003 million from the HRA Reserve to fund non-recurrent growth and to contribute to the ongoing pressure within the budget and to ensure the HRA sets a balanced budget (detailed in point 6.13);
1.10 Cabinet approve the estimated pay inflationary increase for 2025-26 of 3.00% totalling £0.723 million, which includes the impact of increased national insurance contributions (detailed in point 6.9);?
1.11 Cabinet approve the Non-Pay Inflation Schedule for 2025-26 totaling £0.298 million (detailed in point 6.9);?
1.12 Cabinet approve the Recurrent Growth as follows:
a) Additional Stock Condition Survey budget of £0.098 million from 2025-26 to cover cyclical costs of carrying out surveys on current properties to inform future capital expenditure (detailed in point 6.10).?
b) Additional budget of £0.100 million for electrical testing to comply with The Regulator of Social Housing (detailed in point 6.10);?
1.13 Cabinet approve the expenditure plan relating to £36.347 million which has been set aside over the 4-year period 2025-26 to 2028-29 in the HRA Capital programme to invest in Affordable Housing. Details are set out in Appendix 1;?
1.14 Cabinet approve the expenditure plan relating to £48.200 million which has been set aside over the 4-year period 2025-26 to 2028-29 in the HRA Major Repairs Programme to invest in continued improvement to the HRA housing stock. Details are set out in Appendix 1; and?
1.15 Cabinet note the indicative 30-year Housing Revenue Account business plan as detailed within Appendix 1.
Report author: Andrea Lowe
Publication date: 14/01/2025
Date of decision: 14/01/2025
Decided at meeting: 14/01/2025 - Cabinet
Effective from: 20/01/2025
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