Venue: Council Chamber - County Hall. View directions
Contact: Heather Bowers
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Wilczek. |
Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Cramlington, Bedlington & Seaton Valley Local Area Committee held on Wednesday, 24 January 2024 as circulated, be confirmed as a true record, and be signed by the Chair. |
LOCAL TRANSPORT PLAN PROGRAMME This report sets out the details of the draft Local Transport Plan (LTP) and Highway Maintenance Investment in U and C Roads and Footways programmes for 2024-25 for consideration and comment by the Local Area Committee, prior to final approval of the programme by the Executive Director for Place and Regeneration in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Improving our Roads and Highways. Additional documents: Minutes: The report set out the details of the draft Local Transport Plan (LTP) and Highway Maintenance Investment in U and C roads and footways programmes for 2024-25. Final approval of the programme would be made by the Executive Director for Place and Regeneration in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Improving our Roads and Highways taking into consideration the actual level of funding received from Department of Transport (DfT) and feedback from the Local Area Committees.
Members were asked to comment on the proposals so that comments could be considered in the finalisation of the LTP 2024-25 programme.
R McCartney, Infrastructure Manager, introduced the report advising that the draft LTP programme for 2024-25 was based on a settlement from the DfT from which a sum would be retained by the North East Joint Transport Committee to cover central transport costs. The Council had therefore developed a £26,193,624 LTP programme which consisted of improvements and maintenance schemes over the four key areas of sustainable transport; safety; roads; and bridges, structures and landslips. The full details of the draft programme were set out in Appendices A to D of the report. The Council was also intending to carry out an additional £4,450,000 of highway maintenance investment in U and C roads and Footways programme utilising Council’s capital funding with the details set out in Appendix E. The funding for the programme would be subject to approval of the Council’s Capital Programme at the County Council meeting on 21 February 2024.
Priorities for the 2024-25 programme had been invited from County Council Members and Town and Parish Councils during 2023.
In response to members’ questions/comments, the following information was provided:-
DATE OF NEXT MEETING Minutes: Tuesday 19 March 2024. |