Venue: Conference Room 2, County Hall, Morpeth
Contact: Lesley Bennett
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillors A. Dale and G. Sanderson. |
Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on Tuesday, 5 December 2023, as circulated, to be confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chair.
Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 5 December 2023, as circulated, be confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chair. |
PAY POLICY STATEMENT 2024/2005 The Localism Act 2011 requires the County Council to prepare and publish a Pay Policy Statement.
When developing our approaches to pay and reward, we are guided by the following principles;
• Shaping policies which will enable the Council to recruit and retain high calibre employees to provide high quality services. • Maintaining levels of pay which are in line with the Council’s financial policies and provide value for money. • Adopting an approach which is open, transparent and accountable. • Ensuring we apply our policies fairly and consistently, complying with all relevant employment legislation, including the Equality Act 2010.
This policy statement applies to the 2024-25 financial year. It will be reviewed annually and is in accordance with new or proposed legislation to ensure that it remains relevant and effective. Additional documents:
Minutes: Members received a report seeking to confirm the amended Pay Policy Statement. The policy had been amended to improve the flow of information and provided additional clarity in some areas by removing unnecessary information. The amendments in the policy were mostly academic but section 6 was highlighted which gave more transparency to the approval of new appointments with salaries over £100,000 which would now be brought to Full Council rather than Staff and Appointments Committee.
In response to a query, it was confirmed that SCP referenced in the report was spinal column points. It was confirmed that under the 23/24 pay policy incremental progression within the band was at the discretion of the Head of Paid Services whereas under the 24/25 policy objective criteria had been defined. The new process was detailed in another policy which could be brought to the committee.
Officers agreed to provide members with information regarding the number of staff who were employed on a band 1 salary and what service they were employed in. Members were assured that there were no Chief Officers who had notified the Authority of taking secondary employment.
RESOLVED that the report be recommended for approval at Full Council. |
DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next scheduled meeting date will be 22 February 2024, at 9 am at County Hall, Morpeth. Minutes: The next meeting will be held on 22 February 2024, at 9.00 am in the Council Chamber, County Hall, Morpeth. |