Venue: Council Chamber - County Hall
Contact: Lesley Little
No. | Item |
MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS PDF 286 KB The minutes of the Strategic Planning Committee held on Tuesday 5 November 2024, as circulated, to be agreed as a true record and be signed by the Chair.
DISCLOSURE OF MEMBERS' INTERESTS Unless already entered in the Council’s Register of Members’ interests, members are required where a matter arises at a meeting;
NB Any member needing clarification must contact Members are referred to the Code of Conduct which contains the matters above in full. Please refer to the guidance on disclosures at the rear of this agenda letter.
Determination of Planning Applications PDF 124 KB To request the committee to decide the planning applications attached to this report using the powers delegated to it.
Please note that printed letters of objection/support are not circulated with the agenda but are available on the Council’s website at
The development of up to 199 static caravan pitches, parking, reconfiguration of existing pitches and infrastructure to facilitate access with associated infrastructure (including LPG gas enclosure, EV charging, cycle parking) ancillary convenience shop, engineering works and landscaping. (amended description and updated plans 12.07.2024) Dunham Caravans Ltd, South Meadows Caravan Park, South Road, Belford, Northumberland NE70 7DP
Construction of new two-storey primary school
building with associated outdoor play facilities, landscaping and
access and demolition of existing Ringway Primary School buildings
(amended plans). Additional documents: |
Installation of Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) and associated infrastructure associated with Low Horton Solar Farm (planning approval ref. 22/01153/RENE) Land south of Laverock Hall Roundabout, A192 Laverock Hall, Cramlington, Northumberland
For Members’ information to report the progress of planning appeals. This is a monthly report and relates to appeals throughout all 5 Local Area Council Planning Committee areas and covers appeals of Strategic Planning Committee.
For Members’ information to report the agreement monitoring and collection of s106 contributions in the planning process. This is a monthly report and relates to agreements throughout Northumberland during the previous month. |
URGENT BUSINESS To consider such business, as in the opinion of the Chair, should, by reason of special circumstances, be considered as a matter of urgency. |