Terms of reference
(a) To enhance good governance
in the area and ensure that the Council’s policies take
account of the needs and aspirations of local communities and do
not discriminate unfairly between the different Areas.
(b) To advise the Cabinet on
budget priorities and expenditure within the Area.
(c) To consider, develop and
influence policy and strategy development of the Council, its
arms-length organisations, and other relevant bodies, to ensure
that they meet local requirements and facilitate efficient and
transparent decision making.
(d) To receive information,
consider and comment on matters associated with service delivery
including those undertaken in partnership agencies, affecting the
local area to ensure that they meet local requirements, including
matters relating to community safety, anti-social behaviour and
environmental crime.
(e) To consider and refer to
Cabinet any issues from a local community perspective with emerging
Neighbourhood Plans within their area, and consider local planning
applications as per the planning delegation scheme.
(f) To consider and
recommend adjustments to budget priorities in relation to Local
Transport Plan issues within their area, and to make decisions in
relation to devolved capital highway maintenance
(g) To engage, through the
appropriate networks, with all key stakeholders from the public,
private, voluntary and community sectors to facilitate the delivery
of area priorities. This will include
undertaking regular liaison with parish and town
(h) To inform, consult and
engage local communities in accordance with Council policy and
guidance, through the appropriate networks.
(i) To, as appropriate,
respond or refer with recommendations to local petitions and
councillor calls for action.
(j) To make certain
appointments to outside bodies as agreed by Council.
(k) To determine applications
for grant aid from the Community Chest, either through Panels for
individual Local Area Councils, or through the Panel of Local Area
Council Chairs for countywide applications.
(l) To refer and receive
appropriate issues for consideration to or from other Council
Committees, and as appropriate invite Portfolio Holders to attend a
meeting if an item in their area of responsibility is to be
To exercise the following
functions within their area:-
(i) the Council’s functions in relation to
the survey, definition, maintenance, diversion, stopping up and
creation of public rights of way.
Council’s functions as the Commons Registration Authority for
common land and town/village greens in Northumberland.
(iii) the
Council’s functions in relation to the preparation and
maintenance of the Rights of Way Improvement Plan.
the Council’s
functions in relation to the Northumberland National Park and
County Joint Local Access Forum (Local Access Forums (England)
Regulations 2007.
(v) the Council’s role in encouraging
wider access for all to the County’s network of public rights
of way and other recreational routes.