Agenda item


Summary of New Capital Proposals considered by Officer Capital Strategy Group


The report summarises proposed amendments to the Capital Programme considered by the officer Capital Strategy Group (Appendix G).



Kyloe House CCTV Upgrade




(a )     Cabinet approve the receipt of the capital grant of £0.221 million from the Department for Education (DfE); and


(b )     Cabinet approve the amendment to the Capital Programme to include the funding and spend.


Replacement of Boating Pontoon in Wansbeck Riverside Park


RESOLVED that Cabinet approve the proposed spend on the Boating Pontoon and amend the Capital Programme in 2023-24. Note that the project will be wholly grant funded under an agreement with Cambois Rowing Club.


Highways Laboratory Expansion




(a )     Cabinet approve the expenditure of the £0.615 million which is already included in the MTFP under Highways Laboratory Expansion project; and


(b )     Cabinet note that a portion of the allocation will be slipped into financial year 2024-25. This is currently anticipated to be 50% but will be dependent on the date of approval.


North East Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP)




(a )     Cabinet note the agreement for the North East Joint Transport Committee (JTC) to release BSIP capital funding to assist scheme promoters with development of the programme;


(b )     Cabinet approve the BSIP capital funding to develop the “Bus Priority Infrastructure – Tranche 1” programme; and


(c )     Cabinet approve the amendment to the Capital Programme to include £0.121 million funding from Transport North East (TNE) to enable development of the BSIP Tranche 1 programme. 


Parks Enhancement Capital Programme


(1)  Cleasewell Hill Park



(a )     Approve capital expenditure of up to £0.240 million for the refurbishment scheme at Cleasewell Hill Park;


(b )     Approve the reallocation in the Capital Programme of £0.200 million from the existing Parks Enhancement Programme and £0.040 million contribution from Choppington Parish Council which has been agreed in principle subject to formal approval; and


(c )     Note that if funding of £0.040 million from Choppington Parish Council is not received works will be scaled back and expenditure will be limited to £0.200 million. 


(2)  Gallagher Park




(a )     Cabinet approve capital expenditure totalling £0.019 million for car park repairs, overflow provision and fencing at Gallagher Park; and


(b )     Cabinet approve the reallocation in the Capital Programme of £0.010 million from the existing Parks Enhancement Programme and £0.009 million from Cllr Robinson, Cllr Taylor, and Cllr Wilciezk’s Members’ Local Improvement Scheme funds. 


(3)  Plessey Woods – Bouldering Park




(a )     Cabinet approve capital expenditure totalling £0.159 million for Plessey Woods Bouldering Park; and


(b )     Cabinet approve the reallocation in the Capital Programme of £0.088 million from the existing Parks Enhancement Programme, £0.067 million from Section 106 contributions and £0.005 million from Cllr Robinson’s Members’ Local Improvement Scheme funds. 


Strategic Regeneration Investment




(a )     Cabinet accept grant funding to establish the Northumberland Stewardship and Rural Growth Investment Programme as follows, noting that the establishment of the programme and projects below was previously agreed by Cabinet in February 2023:


·       Accept grant funding of £4.810 million including £2.000 million capital and £2.810 million revenue for the Northumberland Small Business Service (NSBS). 


·       Approve the addition of the £2.000 million capital funding to the Capital Programme in line with the three-year funding profile further in the report. 


·       Accept grant funding of £3.510 million including £1.543 million capital and £1.967 million revenue for the Rural Asset Multiplier Programme (RAMP). 


·       Approve the addition of the £1.543 million capital funding to the Capital Programme in line with the three-year funding profile further in the report. 


(b )     Cabinet approve the below projects and the reallocation of capital funds of £0.600 million in 2023-24 from the Ashington North East Quarter Redevelopment (Phase 2). The Strategic Regeneration Projects budget will reallocate £0.600 million to the Ashington North East Quarter Redevelopment (Phase 2) project in 2024-25. Note that the Ashington North East Quarter Redevelopment (Phase 2) does not require the funds in 2023-24 due to slippage in the project delivery. 


·       Approve the allocation of capital funds of £0.500 million in 2023-24 for Hexham HSHAZ Public Realm Scheme. 


·       Approve the creation of a new capital project in 2023-24 for the Berwick Gateway and approve the allocation of capital funds of £0.050 million in 2023-24 for the Berwick Gateway. 


·       Approve the allocation of capital funds of £0.010 million in 2023-24 for the detailed design of the Royal Border Bridge Floodlighting Scheme. 


·       Approve the allocation of capital funds of £0.020 million in 2023-24 to finalise the successful Rural Business Growth Service project. 


·       Approve the allocation of capital funds of £0.020 million in 2023-24 for the detailed design of the Alnwick Cobbles Streetscaping scheme. 


Great Northumberland Forest Tenant Lead Pilot




(a )     Cabinet approve the proposed spend of £2.550 million for the Great Northumberland Forest Tenant Lead Pilot and note the funding of £2.550 million from the national Nature for Climate (NfC) fund; and


(b )     Cabinet approve the inclusion of an additional £2.550 million (2023-24 £1.500 million and 2024-25 £1.050 million) in the capital programme.

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