Agenda item


Revisions to the layout to replace 2 approved dwellings with 3 dwellings and the creation of a new plot for one dwelling (amounting to two additional dwellings on the site). Revised description.

Land South Of Mereburn House, Low Wood, Swarland, Northumberland



Revisions to the layout to replace 2 approved dwellings with 3 dwellings and the creation of a new plot for one dwelling (amounting to two additional dwellings on the site). Revised description.

Land South of Mereburn House, Low Wood, Swarland, Northumberland.


V Cartmel, Area Planning Manager introduced the application to the Committee with the aid of a Power Point presentation.


A written statement from Newton on the Moor & Swarland Parish Council was read out to the Committee by L Little, Senior Democratic Services Officer. A copy would be filed with the signed minutes and be uploaded to the Council’s website.


A written statement in support of the application from Cussins was read out to the Committee by L Little, Senior Democratic Services Officer. A copy would be filed with the signed minutes and be uploaded to the Council’s website.


In response to questions from Members of the Committee the following information was provided:-


·       The properties most affected by the proposals would be on Low Wood with Plot 10 to move closer than the previously approved dwellings. From the conservatory of 6 Low Wood to the garage on Plot 10 would be a distance of 22.3m; from the corner of 5 Low Wood to the corner of Plot 10 would be 30m; from the conservatory of 4 Low Wood to the corner of Plot 10 would be 43.8m.  This demonstrated that these exceeded the usual privacy distances required and therefore would not detrimentally impact on the amenity of existing residents in terms of amenity.

·       Officers felt that the plots were of an ample size with generous gardens and the density of the proposals remained in character with the area.

·       In respect of street lighting the site had a private maintenance strategy attached and a condition in relation to this and therefore the properties would look after themselves.  Some areas of the estate did show as public highway and others as private land freehold and was an interesting estate of low density.  There were no street lighting or footpaths, but the development already worked safely and the issue was if an extra two dwellings would require any additional works.  It was considered at the current time it was able to support this level of development and was an appropriate arrangement.

·       The area did have narrow streets which formed part of the design and currently in terms of highways safety did not have an issue despite the way it was set out.  It also benefitted from close access to the A1.  In terms of access to the distribution roads, Highways would take a much greater look if there was additional development proposed in the future, however it was not thought that the additional two properties would impact on this at the current time.

·       There were no set distances which stated how close properties should be to boundaries rather this was based on amenity and how they looked in the character to the area.  The density was higher than the dwellings at Low Wood as these were large properties on very large plots.  9.7 Dwellings per hectare was still a low density and the Officer’s view was that this would not have a detrimental impact.


Councillor Castle proposed acceptance of the recommendation to approve the application as outlined in the report which was seconded by Councillor Lawrie. 


Some Members in supporting the application recognised that the access roads were narrow however they considered that the additional two properties would not have a significant impact and welcomed that this would be looked at if any future development came forward.  Other Members highlighted that there were no residents in support of the application and expressed concerns on the increased density and S106 contribution to affordable housing.  The Senior Planning Manager reminded Members that the principle of development was acceptable with the site being capable of sustaining the additional properties in terms of density; was compliant with the NPPF; was within the settlement boundary within the Northumberland Local Plan; and all technical concerns had been resolved.   There was a formula for the contribution towards affordable housing and this met the requirements and whilst the contribution did not provide a sufficient sum for affordable housing on this site it would be added to another scheme.


A vote was taken as follows: FOR 5, AGAINST 2, ABSTENTIONS 0.  


Councillor Roughead had joined the meeting at 14:43 during the discussion of the application and took no part in the vote.


RESOLVED that the application be GRANTED for the reasons and subject to the conditions as outlined in the report and subject to a S106 Legal Agreement to secure a financial contribution towards affordable housing off site to the sum of £40,800.


Supporting documents: