Agenda item


RESUBMISSION - Change of use to storage facility to be used for container, boat and caravan storage

Land North East Of Chathill Station, Chathill, Northumberland


J. Sharp – Planning Officer, introduced the application with the aid of a power-point presentation.


T. Carter addressed the committee speaking in support of the application. His comments included the following:


·       The site was a brownfield site and has accommodated various buildings in the past, however taking into account of the committee’s comments on the last application the applicant had amended the scheme to address those concerns.

·       The site would only be open between 6am and 10pm in order to protect residential amenity. These hours were similar to the operation of trains on the adjacent East Coast Mainline.

·       The containers would be of a single height and would be painted in a forest green colour to blend in with the landscape.

·       The applicant proposed a 2m high timber perimeter fence with additional landscape planting to further screen the site and enhance the setting.

·       The number of storage units had been reduced from 10 to 8 with the originally proposed compounds removed. This would reduce the visual impact and the impact on the setting of the historic assets.

·       The reuse of brownfield land was encouraged by the NPPF and the proposal would not have a significant detrimental impact upon the designated assets.


In response to questions from members, the following information was provided:


·       The proposed changes to the hours had been something offered by the applicant rather than something that had been imposed by Public Protection.

·       The applicant had indicated that he had a number of interested parties to take up the storage facilities as the nearest at the current time was at Belford.

·       The impact on the listed building had been taken into account with hedging proposed around the boundary and the drawing back of the built from the road would help lessen the impact.

·       The expectation was that the site would be used as a storage facility and could include a boat or a caravan. There would be some level of noise but not enough to disturb the surrounding areas, it would be an enforcement matter if somebody was running a business out of the site.



Councillor Pattison proposed to refuse this application on the grounds of:

·       Visual Impact

·       Residential Amenity

·       Impact upon Heritage Assets


This was seconded by Councillor Hill.


Councillor Thorne expressed his opinion on the opening hours of the application, stating that while the train station did make some level of noise, the level of noise from the site when complete would be constant.


Councillor Watson advised that he supported the officer’s recommendation in that the facility would be well shielded and it will not have an adverse effect on the village. Councillor Castle also advised he could not see that there was much wrong with the application.


A vote was taken on the proposal to refuse the application for the reasons as outlined above as follows: - FOR 6; AGAINST 7; ABSTENTIONS 0.

The proposal failed, and it was opened up to the floor for another proposal.


Councillor Watson proposed to accept the officer’s recommendation and grant the application, this was seconded by Councillor Castle.


Following further debate, a suggestion was made to change the times of operation and look at reducing the times to 8 am to 8 pm on Monday to Saturday which was agreed by Councillors Watson and Castle.


A vote was taken on the proposal to grant the application with the conditions set out in the report, with an amendment to condition 9 to limit the times of operation to 8am – 8pm, Monday – Saturday as follows: -




It was RESOLVED that this application was granted subject to planning conditions as outlined in the report and amended condition 9 as above.



Councillor Bridget and Councillor Hill left the meeting at this point


Supporting documents: