Agenda item


Residential development of 9 detached and semi-detached dwellings, single and two storey, plus associated infrastructure (amended description).

Land North of Lonkley Lodge, Lonkley Head Allendale


There were no questions arising from the site visit videos which had been circulated prior to the meeting.


The Senior Planning Officer introduced the application with the aid of a powerpoint presentation and reported the following:


An additional condition from the Lead Local Flood Authority was recommended:


“Any land drainage found on site during construction shall be diverted and reconnected accordingly.  Where additional land drainage is installed, this shall connect to the existing underground storage tank.


REASON: to ensure the effective drainage and passage of ground water to offsite sources in accordance with Tynedale Core Strategy Policy GD5 and the NNPF.”


Mr. T. Sparke and Mr. P. Barber spoke in objection to the application.  They represented other residents and owners that lived around the site and raised the following concerns:


·         Proximity - Only plots 8 and 9 had a rear garden of at least 10 metres, if the gardens facing the road were considered to be rear gardens, in accordance with policy H32(e) of the Tynedale Local Plan.

·         Policy H32(f) required 25 metres between opposing rear walls of 2 storey properties.  The distances between plots 3 to 5 and properties in Dale Park ranged between 13 – 15 metres whilst there was only 7 metres between Plot 8 and Lonkley Lodge.

·         The pond was to be built up so ground level would be level with the top of existing dry-stone wall of Almora and would overlook gardens and upstairs windows of several properties.

·         The distance to habitable rooms at Lonkley Lodge was less than 7 metres and not in line with policy H32(f) which set out minimum guidelines to avoid overlooking and ensure privacy for all parties.

·         Given the rural setting, too much was proposed for the site.  The layout of the scheme needed to be reviewed to reduce the impact on privacy and density of the development.

·         They objected on the grounds that the proposals did not meet the criteria of policy H32.

·         Flood risk was a significant concern.  Locally there was known to be significant amounts of underground water on the site as it flooded at the bottom end on a regular basis.

·         Concern was expressed regarding the lack of investigations at the site as it appeared the reports were based on desktop exercises by experts located elsewhere who had not visited the site.

·         No account has been taken of existing ground water in the proposals and what existed on site.

·         Work that had been carried out had located 1 of 2 underground tanks and drainage within the field.

·         There was a lot of underground water along the bank behind the Shilburn Road and Allenfields estate.

·         Information had come from the previous landowner who had closely supervised access over the field to ensure the existing drainage was not disturbed and flooding caused further down the hill.

·         The development presented a significant flood risk without a full account being taken of existing underground water.

·         The additional LLFA condition was welcomed but it did not go far enough and should be extended to consider all ground water at the proposed site.

·         Negotiations with Northumbrian Water were needed to ensure that all risks were carefully considered.

·         The open space be designated as a SUDS feature and protected from future development.

·         They objected on the grounds that current plans took no account of existing ground water and as such presented a significant flood risk to new and neighbouring properties.


Mr. A. Herdman architect and civil engineer spoke in support of the application.  He wished to address the following points raised by the objectors:-


·         Discussions with the planning officer had resulted in changes to the site layout to increase the distance between the side elevation on plot 8 to the boundary of Lonkley Lodge by 2.5 metres, to 6 metres.  Plot 8 was also positioned on a lower level and would not overlook Lonkley Lodge.  The landscaping plan in the presentation was prior to the redesign of Plot 8.

·         Plots 3 – 5 were single storey given the proximity of nearby dwellings in Dale Park.  The proposed dwellings had been positioned to maximise the distance between them and existing properties and landscaping to ensure privacy between new and existing properties.

·         There was no specific policy in terms of separation for single storey dwellings.

·         There had been multiple visits and extensive site investigations and physical investigations to check ground conditions and water levels, filtration capacity, position of underground water tanks and discharge into the combined existing sewer to the satisfaction of the relevant consultees.

·         They were aware of the existence of ground water, which was not uncommon on a sloping site and would be dealt with during the excavation to create routes for the water to travel with collection in the SUDS features at the rate requested.

·         They had liaised with the LLFA and had incorporated everything that had been requested.

·         Northumbrian Water had accepted a discharge rate of 2 l/s to the combined sewer if no other feasible option was found.  The design incorporated restrictors and zoning would ensure the flow did not exceed the requirements.

·         The specialist drainage consultants were satisfied that, whilst the site was challenging, the passage of water on the site to the existing combined sewer could be controlled and not exceed the allowable rate set by Northumbrian Water.

·         As local businessmen, they did not wish to upset local people.


In response to questions from Members the following information was provided:-


·         Policy H32 of the Tynedale Local Plan had been taken into consideration in the assessment of the application.  It related to distances between proposed 2-storey dwellings, the dwellings at the rear of the site were bungalows and therefore the distances within the policy did not apply.

·         Plots 8 and 9 were set back and therefore it was considered that there would be adequate amenity space and that Lonkley Lodge would not be overlooked.

·         All drainage on site would be positively collected via gulleys, permeable paving, rain gardens and collected underground in new pipes and tanks and disposed of at a rate of 2 l/s to Northumbrian Water’s sewer.  The proposed pond was purely for the collection of overland flows to provide additional protection in extreme events.  Planting would also assist with drainage.  The proposed additional condition regarding drainage found on site could be strengthened to include land drainage, watercourses and sewers; this would ensure that any drainage features found during construction would be mitigated against.  The LLFA was satisfied that the flood risk off site would not be increased by development of this site.

·         The area coloured green on the North West side of the proposed landscaping plan included a pond and grassland to assist with drainage and overflows and was not identified for future development.  Any future plans for this area would require separate planning approval and consideration of the affordable housing policy which was required for schemes proposing 10 or more units.  Recent decisions by the Planning inspectorate had upheld decisions regarding safeguarded landscaped green areas to retain these areas as green spaces.

·         Current policies did not require installation of solar panels, heat pumps or energy efficiency measures, although the layout of the drives and parking areas on the site should enable installation of electric vehicle charging points in the future.  Inclusion of conditions requiring electrical vehicle charging points on other applications had been accepted as part of schemes, without being appealed by those applicants.  Policies for incorporation of green measures were included within the emerging Northumberland Plan but did not have sufficient weight at the present time for inclusion of conditions at the present time.  More focused discussions would be held with applicants regarding the green credentials of schemes in the future.  Any additional conditions at or demands on developers at the present time needed to be reasonable in respect of green aspects without current policy support.

·         Any water collected from hard standing, following development of the site, would not be connected to Issacs Well.  Any water that naturally soaked into the ground from garden areas and public open space within the site and therefore into the underground storage tank, would continue to be maintained, post-development.

·         The pond was separate to the drainage system; water was to be stored underground via large tanks and pipes, designed to cope with the 2 l/s restriction in place with slow release into the sewer system.  The 2 l/s had been agreed with Northumbrian Water to prevent their system from being overwhelmed.  In an extreme event, it would flow naturally into the pond rather than flowing onto the highway.  The calculations met the requirements of the NPPF and were satisfactory.  A condition was included for adoption and maintenance of the features, pipe network and restrictive device by Northumbrian Water, in perpetuity.

·         No detail had been provided regarding safety features around the pond as it was not a SUDS feature.  However, best practice required a slope gradient of 1 in 3 or 1 in 4.  Any concerns could be addressed with the inclusion of additional condition regarding protective measures around the pond prior to occupation of the dwellings.  Proposals would ensure that wildlife was not excluded.


Councillor Stewart proposed acceptance of the recommendation to approve the application subject the S106 agreement to secure sport and play obligations, the conditions contained in the officer’s report and the following additional conditions:


·         Any watercourses, sewers and land drainage found on site during construction shall be diverted and reconnected accordingly.  Where additional land drainage is installed, this shall connect to the existing underground storage tank.


REASON: to ensure the effective drainage and passage of ground water to offsite sources in accordance with Tynedale Core Strategy Policy GD5 and the NNPF.

·         Delegated authority be given to the Director of Planning, following consultation with the Vice-Chair (Planning), to add an appropriately worded condition regarding installation of electric vehicle charging points at each of the 9 units.

·         Delegated authority be given to the Director of Planning, following consultation with the Vice-Chair (Planning), to agree amended wording for condition 10 on landscaping to include submission of further details and drawings regarding safety measures and fencing to be provided around the pond.


This was seconded by Councillor Homer and unanimously agreed.


RESOLVED that the application be GRANTED permission for the reasons and with the conditions as outlined in the report and set out above and subject to the signing of a Section 106 agreement in respect of financial contributions for Sport and Play including the sum of £17,350 for play/informal open space and £9,850 for outdoor sport.

Supporting documents: