Agenda item


Proposed redevelopment of former Brickworks, including 14no. dwelings, 3no. tourism units, car parking and amenity space. Land West of Brick Work Cottages, Brick Works, Thrunton, Northumberland NE66 4SD



J. Bellis – Senior Planning Officer introduced the application with the aid of a PowerPoint presentation with an update that the recommendation had been altered slightly to read “ This application should be granted subject to conditions and a section 106 legal agreement for 3 shared ownership dwellings, affordable housing onsite within the scheme, with these dwellings to be delivered in line with an appropriate trigger agreed during the section 106 negotiation process, with an appropriate clause for an offsite contribution to be included, should these shared ownership units not be sold within a prescribed time.”
The clause stating that all dwellings should no longer have use of a motor vehicle with an internal combustion engine by 2050 had been dropped following a recommendation from the legal team and discussions within the planning team, legal and highways team as it was not considered that the planning obligation would have met the regulation 122 tests.


Following questions from Members to the Planning Officers, the following information was provided:


·       There had been a housing needs assessment completed, over the next 5 years there would be a need for four rented units and twelve shared ownership units across the area.

·       Rented housing was deemed as unsuitable for the location however shared ownership properties was seemed suitable for the site.

·       The development would not seek to encourage trips outwards, and the travel plan would support development that supports inbound trips for deliveries.

·       The site had been vacant for eight years and was classed as a brownfield site.

·       The site was compliant with the drainage strategy.



Councillor Bridgett proposed to accept the officer’s recommendation with an amendment to accept the off-site affordable housing commuted sum straight away which would be delegated to the affordable housing enabler and the director of planning to determine the amount, and those funds be used for the development of the emerging affordable housing that would occur within the Rothbury division, to make them more affordable, energy efficient and better specification, this was seconded by Councillor Thorne.


Councillor Thorne explained that he supported this application and Councillor Bridgett’s proposal, because the site was a brown field site, an eye sore and needed tidying up. Councillor Thorne queried whether there would be a demand for shared ownership properties, but stated he liked the mix of properties being residential and holiday lets. Councillor Renner-Thompson agreed and stated that the site was an excellent development and would be the next stage of the future of the site.


Councillor Watson suggested that if the current proposal failed then he would propose acceptance of the officer’s recommendation without Councillor Bridgett’s amendment.


Councillor Swinbank expressed concern around affordable housing, and that one development should be used as a neighbouring development for affordable housing miles away from amenities. Half the site was brownfield with the other half being greenfield, with 17 new units being too many and effectively a small housing estate. The site was in an unsustainable location, with only one way in and out of the site, which would be in a motor vehicle, there would be no walking or cycling.


Councillor Hunter asked if there could be an informative condition attached to the proposal that the decorative chimney would be maintained by the housing managers and would not be responsibility of the Council, this was agreed by Councillor Bridgett and Councillor Thorne


A vote was taken on the proposal to approve the application with the conditions as outlined in the report and the s106 Agreement to secure an affordable housing commuted sum, as follows: - FOR 8; AGAINST 3; ABSTENTIONS 0. 


It was RESOLVED that this application be GRANTED subject to the conditions as outlined in the report and subject to a s106 Agreement to secure an off-site affordable housing commuted sum, with delegated authority to the Director of Planning in consultation with the Affordable Housing Enabling Officer to calculate and agree the commuted sum and for those funds be used for the development of the emerging affordable housing that would occur within the Rothbury division and with an informative, asking the owners to ensure that the decorative chimney will be maintained by the housing managers and would not be responsibility of the Council

Supporting documents: