Agenda item


Interim Executive Management Arrangements and Progress with Review of Future Structure


To consider a report on the above (report to follow).


Interim Executive Management Arrangements and Progress with Review of Future Structure 


The report set out information from the County Council’s Head of Paid Service regarding the interim executive management arrangements and an update on the review of the Authority’s Executive Officer Team.  The report set out arrangements that the Head of Paid Service had made to ensure that there was appropriate executive cover pending the completion of the ongoing formal review of the Authority’s staffing structure.


The Chief Executive advised that Penna had been appointed to carry out the review and it was hoped to bring proposal forward to Council in November. The report set out some potential areas of responsibility but further discussions were needed at Executive Team. A revised interim structure would be issued following those discussions. A number of officers had identified themselves for further responsibility. The Leader advised members that he supported the proposed interim structure.


Members raised a number of questions around specific areas of responsibility. The Chief Executive advised that further information would be sent to all members to provide clarity on specific areas and Executive Director leads once ongoing work was completed.


With regard to paragraph 4.9.7 of the report, Councillor Kennedy queried whether this issue had now been resolved. Ms Mitchell advised members that external legal counsel had been received on this matter and members of the Committee involved would be informed of that counsel, but it would not be appropriate to discuss the matter at full Council. The information contained in the report was a statement of fact for members’ information and could not be changed in light of the legal advice which had been received.


Clarity was sought by members on what they were being asked to do in the report. The responsibility for the organisation, appointment and management of the Authority’s staff lay with the Head of Paid Service under the Local Government and Housing Act 1989, but the report’s recommendations asked Council to note and agree the content of the report. The Deputy Monitoring Officer confirmed that it was not a function of Council to agree the staffing arrangements. The report provided information for members only to note.


The Chief Executive advised that the interim arrangements in the report were to ensure that the Authority could function with appropriate officer support in place, which it was her responsibility to do. However, she had no issue with sharing it with members for comments.


The Leader added that he completely supported the report’s proposals. These needed to be put in place as soon as possible.


Councillor Dickinson moved the report’s recommendations which was seconded by Councillor Hill, who then moved that Council move to the vote on those recommendations.


On the required number of members supporting a named vote, the votes were cast as follows:-


FOR: 54


Bowman, L.

Morphet, N.

Carr, D.

Nisbet, K.

Cartie, E.

Parry, K.

Castle, G.

Pattison, W.

Clark, T.

Ploszaj, W.

Dale, P.A.M.

Purvis, M.

Daley, W.

Reid, J.

Darwin, L.

Renner Thompson, G.

Dickinson, S.

Richardson, M.

Dodd, R.

Riddle, J.

Dunbar, C.

Robinson, M.

Dunn, L.

Sanderson H.G.H.

Ezhilchelvan, P.

Scott, A.

Ferguson, D.

Seymour, C.

Flux, B.

Sharp, A.

Foster, J.

Simpson, E.

Grimshaw, L.

Stewart, G.

Hardy, C.

Swinbank, M.

Hill, G.

Swinburn, M.

Horncastle, C.

Taylor, C.

Humphrey, C.

Thorne, T.

Hunter, E.I.

Towns, D.

Hutchinson, J.I.

Waddell, H.

Jones, V.

Wallace, A.

Kennedy, D.

Watson, A.

Lee, S.

Watson, J.

Mather, M.

Wearmouth, R.






It was therefore RESOLVED that:-

(a)    Council note and agree the contents of the report, in particular the interim management arrangements set out at paragraph 4.9; and

(b)    Council note the progress on the formal review of the County Council’s executive / management arrangements being led by the Head of Paid Service as set out in a report to Council in July 2021.