Agenda item


This report provides an update on the Local Transport Plan (LTP) programme 21/22 and the preparation for the 22/23 programme. 


Mr P. Jones introduced the report of the local transport plan update. The report provided an update on the plan and the process for setting out the next years plan. He outlined the key points as follows:- 


  • More funding was received from the Department of Transport than expected which allowed for some approved schemes to be extended and some reserve schemes to be added to the plan.  
  • Countywide work was complex and focused on safety and maintenance. As well as work on structures such as bridges. 
  • There were some complex and challenging schemes being undertaken, such as a large amount of geotechnical work being carried out on a landslip at Todsteads in the Coquet Valley. 
  • Looking forward there was a plan to provide a more detailed and tailored feedback report on LTP scheme progress o the area Councils on a regular basis, the work required to achieve this was on-going.  
  • There were 31 integrated transport projects being undertaken in the financial year; 7 of the projects had been completed, including 2 urgent safety schemes requested by the police;  
  • A speed reduction scheme was introduced between Lynemouth and Woodhorn; A traffic management scheme in Cottingwood Green was completed; parking signage was improved in Newbiggin. 
  • There were 3 schemes integrated transport projects where the works order had been issued and 18 schemes were in design. 
  • Works for the slipway at Newbiggin were almost finalised with costings being confirmed in the near future; 
  • On carriageway maintenance there were 18 schemes on-going at a range of sites including Bedlington Station, Newsham and Ashington; 10 schemes were completed, including major resurfacing works at a range of sites; 5 microsurfacing works had been completed in Ashington and Blyth. There were 3 schemes in design for resurfacing activity in Swaledale Avenue, Blyth; Simonside Terrace, Newbiggin; Laverock Hall Road, Newsham; 
  • Areas were being assessed and prioritized for the next financial year, with submissions from Town and Parish Councils, the deadline for submissions was 8th October 2021. There was an LTP workshop once the submissions had been ranked and they would be discussed with members. The draft programme was then presented to LACs in February and then signed off in March. 


The following comments were made: 


  • Members were pleased the LTP workshop was happening again and new members were urged to attend. 
  • It was felt that the report highlighted how little money was invested in Ashington & Blyth compared to other areas within the County.  
  • Members approved of the tailored report that would be provided to the Local Areas. 
  • Local Area Councils were originally set up with the intention of being a decision making body but it was felt that they had been given limited decision making powers..  
  • It was suggested that there was a need for refreshed road markings throughout the South East of the County with Rotary Way, Blyth being mentioned. Additional funding had been allocated to refresh signs and lines but they were being prioritized on a safety basis.  
  • Micro-surfacing was a nationally recognized treatment to prolong the asset life of highways. Fundamentally it improved the waterproofness, running surface and skid resistance of the road. It offered very good value for money with an addition of 7-10 years to the lifespan of a road and the treatment before further works were required and this process was capable of being  repeated. There was a 12 month warranty with the micro-surfacing in relation to the laying of the material and a 3 year guarantee in terms of material failure. 
  • Micro-surfacing offered excellent value for money and was often the best option in certain cases for surface repair.  


The officers were all thanked for attending the meeting and giving a detailed overview.


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