Agenda item


To determine an application for a club premises certificate in respect of Riding Mill Cricket Club, T/A Riding Mill Sports Cub, Riding Mill, NE44 6AW.  


The applicant has applied for the licensable activities of the supply of alcohol on the premises and regulated entertainment indoors.  


Four representations have been received from interested parties on the grounds of:- 


  • Public nuisance 
  • Protection of children from harm 
  • Prevention of crime and disorder 
  • Public safety 




Application of a club premises certificate in respect of Riding Mill Cricket Club, T/A Riding Mill Sports Club, Riding Mill, NE44 6AW 


The Chair outlined the rules of the hearing and procedure to be followed at the meeting.   


Ms. H. Gebbie, Senior Licensing Officer advised all of the application which had been received from Mr. P. Nitsch on behalf of Riding Mill Cricket Club, for a club premises certificate for Riding Mill Cricket Club, T/A Riding Mill Sports Club, Riding Mill, NE44 6AW on 4 August 2021. 


The applicant had applied for the licensable activities on the premises for the supply of alcohol and regulated entertainment indoors during the following hours:-   


Monday – Thursday12:00 – 23:00  


Friday12:00 - 23:30  


Saturday11:00 – 23:30  


Sunday11:00 – 22:30  


The officer’s report had been circulated to Members and all relevant parties in advance of the hearing.   


A copy of the application was attached as (Appendix A).  


Four representations had been received from interested parties on the grounds of public nuisance, public safety, protection of children from harm and the prevention of crime and disorder. (Attached as Appendix B).  


Further submissions were received on the 15th September 2021 by way of proposed conditions from the objectors (attached as Appendix C) which was the reason why the hearing had been rescheduled.  


The options for the determination of the application were listed within the report.   


Mr. P. Nitsch had previously presented his support for the application and had explained the reasoning for the club’s request.  However, he briefly gave a shortened version of his original submission for completeness.  Members and those present then asked questions of the applicant’s representative. 


Ms. A. Wallace and Mr. I. Todd, on behalf of an objector, gave their submissions with the Chair then opening the debate up for questions from Members and the applicant representative.  


As Mr. M. Baird had previously had the opportunity to present his verbal submission to the hearing he also gave a brief summary of his objections. 


Mr Baird suggested that a site visit could help explain why objections had been received particularly around issues concerning public disorder, noise and potential encroachment onto private land.   


The Chair then brought the hearing to an end with members adjourning to a private session to determine the application.  


RESOLVED that the Licensing Sub-Committee has taken into account all representations both written and oral before them today and have determined to grant the licensing application subject to the hours of opening being amended to the effect that the premises will close 30 minutes after the last time for supplying alcohol in each day, as shown in schedule I of the Application. 




1. There is no evidence that noise which would amount to a noise nuisance would be created by the grant of the licence. 

2. The Subcommittee have taken account of the representations but the applicant has satisfied us that they would comply with the licensing objectives by implementing the operating schedule. 

3. The Subcommittee have taken account of the fact that the statutory consultees have not objected to the licence which indicates that the granting of the licence would not breach the licensing objectives. 

4. Parking is not a licensable activity. 

5. There is no evidence to realistically conclude drink driving will result from the grant of the licence and this is a matter for wider criminal law enforcement. 

6. There is no evidence to conclude that littering would inevitably result from the grant of the licence and regard is had to the management arrangements set out in the operating schedule. 

7. The licence cannot control matters outside of the licensed premises. 

8. The club ensure relevant staff are DBS checked which helps ensure the protection of children from harm. 

9. Concerns raised about protecting children from harm, prevention of crime and disorder and public safety are speculative in nature and there is no evidence to support these concerns. 

10. With regards to the amendment of the hours of opening (Schedule J to the application) the reason for this that it was considered excessive to keep the premises open an hour after the last supply of alcohol which would mean the noise of people leaving the premises could occur 30 minutes later than was reasonably necessary. 



Supporting documents: