Agenda item

TO RECEIVE AND CONSIDER MINUTES from the following Committees:-

(1)      Corporate Services and Economic Growth OSC          (see pages 63-74)


(2)      Family and Children’s Services OSC                           (see pages 75-86)


(3)      Communities and Place OSC                                     (see pages 87-94)


(4)      Health and Wellbeing OSC                                         (see pages 95-108) 


 (5)     Health and Wellbeing Board                                       (see pages 109-116)


(6)      Audit Committee                                                         (see pages 117-142)                                        




(1)      Corporate Services and Economic Growth OSC


These were presented by Councillor Bawn.


RESOLVED that the minutes of Corporate Services and Economic Growth OSC be received.  


(2)      Family and Children’s Services OSC  


These were presented by Councillor Daley who thanked Councillor Stewart for this work as Vice Chair of FACS.


With regard to Minute No. 25, Councillor Wallace asked whether a response had yet been received from the Chancellor and Education Secretary regarding heating and fuel costs for schools and he referred to Cambois Primary School where the electricity budget for the year had been set at £12,000. By September, £11,000 of this budget had been spent. This would directly impact teaching and learning. He urged the Leader to get an answer to the question being asked, as the situation was very worrying and could end in schools being closed.


The Leader replied that he had written to the Schools Minister and the Chancellor and he understood that a reply was on its way. He was confident that the issue would be taken on board but was not sure how much help they could provide. The Council felt as strongly about this issue as the local MPs.


RESOLVED that the minutes of Family and Children’s Services OSC be received.


(3)      Communities and Place OSC


These were presented by Councillor Oliver.


With regard to Minute No. 16, Councillor Morphet wished to make it clear that he had raised the point at the meeting so he could understand the pros and cons of alternative fuel sources and he strongly supported the idea of an HVO trial.     


With regard to the resolution to acquire more gulley wagons, Councillor Gallacher supported this. This was a major problem in the south east and he asked that Ashington take priority. He also felt that staff should be trained in advance of the vehicles being delivered.  


In response to some comments from members about the gulley wagons and blocked drains, Councillor Riddle advised that there were now 4 wagons which were all equipped with jetters. However, the waste water had to be disposed of at a waste transfer station. He acknowledged that there were some problems in Ashington and these were being addressed.


Councillor Ball asked when the vehicles were going to get to North Seaton Road in Ashington as this had been promised in July. The Leader advised that he and Councillor Riddle would visit to see the issue first hand. Councillor Gallacher referred to the visit with Cabinet Members and officers to Ashington in the summer. A report back from the Cabinet Member on that was still awaited and nothing had been heard from officers either. He asked that Ashington Councillors be kept updated. 


(4)      Health and Wellbeing OSC


These were presented by Councillor Reid.


Councillor Flux thanked him for his work as Chair of this Committee.


RESOLVED that the minutes of Health and Wellbeing OSC be received.


(5)      Health and Wellbeing Board


These were presented by Councillor Flux.


RESOLVED that the minutes of Health and Wellbeing Board be received.


(6)      Audit Committee   


These were presented by Councillor Oliver.


Councillor Grimshaw commented that she had resigned from the Committee but was  noted as submitting apologies for the September meeting. She asked that her attendance record be corrected.


Councillor Dickinson sought clarification as to whether the independent chair was able to vote on matters. The Deputy Monitoring Officer advised that the Independent chair did not have a vote. Councillor Dickinson then queried what would happen in the event of a tied vote if the Chair did not have a second or casting vote. The Business Chair suggested this was something for Constitution Working Group to consider. Councillor Oliver suggested that the Vice Chair could take over in those circumstances.


Councillor Swinburn expressed concern regarding references in the minutes to  illegal activities, and other detailed matters which led him to question what the objectives were of the Audit Committee and whether this would be continuing.


Councillor Grimshaw reiterated Councillor Swinburn’s concerns having watched the meeting online. Councillor Dickinson agreed and felt that the membership needed to be evaluated by the Leader. The Leader responded that he would take that decision in the appropriate way.                                                                                     

RESOLVED that the minutes of Audit Committee be received.


          Councillor Wearmouth left at this point.

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