Agenda item

TO RECEIVE AND CONSIDER MINUTES from the following Committees

(1)      Corporate Services and Economic Growth OSC         


(2)      Family and Children’s Services OSC                          


(3)      Communities and Place OSC                                     


(4)      Health and Wellbeing OSC                              


(5)      Health and Wellbeing Board                                       


(6)      Audit Committee                                                        


(1) Corporate Services and Economic Growth OSC 


These were presented by Councillors Dunn and Bawn.


RESOLVED that the minutes be received.


(2) Family and Children’s Services OSC


These were presented by Councillor Daley.


RESOLVED that the minutes be received.


(3) Communities and Place OSC


These were presented by Councillor Reid.


Councillor Dale asked if the complaints improvement framework could be a future agenda item.


Councillor Gallacher urged progress on the Council’s report into Storm Arwen.


RESOLVED that the minutes be received.


(4) Health and Wellbeing OSC 


These were presented by Councillor Jones.


Councillor Bowman asked whether the commitment to pay every care worker the living wage would apply across the County. Councillor Jones replied that it would be paid where the care home agreed but they could not be forced to do so.


RESOLVED that the minutes be received.


(5) Health and Wellbeing Board 


These were presented by Councillor Flux.


RESOLVED that the minutes be received.


(6) Audit Committee 


These were presented by Councillor Towns. He advised that the KPMG report could now be circulated to the Committee.


RESOLVED that the minutes be received.


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