Agenda item


To receive a verbal update from the Area Managers from Technical Services and Neighbourhood Services in attendance about any key recent, ongoing and/or future planned Local Services work for the attention of members of the Local Area Council, who will also then have the opportunity to raise issues with the Area Managers.


The Area Managers have principal responsibility for highway services and environmental services, such as refuse collection, street cleansing and grounds maintenance, within the geographic boundaries of the Local Area Council.


Members received the following updates from the Area Managers from Neighbourhood Services and Technical Services:


Neighbourhood Services:


·        The winter had been mild since the LAC meeting in January which had enabled recovery of scheduled work following Storm Arwen.  Staff were currently working winter hours, which was 28 hours per week.  Members were requested to contact officers if any requested winter work had not been completed.

·        Final preparations were underway for grass cutting with servicing of equipment and recruitment to seasonal grounds maintenance positions.  Grass cutting could commence within the next week, if ground conditions were favourable.

·        Weed control would be undertaken in-house with blue dye being used again.

·        It was hoped that street cleansing activities would be able to return to normal levels with a reduction in footfall following staycations during the pandemic in previous years.

·        Elevated tonnages were still being collected for residual and recycling waste collections which was believed to be a result of people working from home and generating more waste there rather than at workplaces.  Due to housing growth, there would be 2 additional refuse collection vehicles and crews.  Routes were being reviewed to ensure they were deployed in the most efficient way possible.

·        The garden waste collections had commenced with rounds having been reviewed to accommodate an increase in take up and housing.

·        The glass recycling household collection trial had been extended for a further 12 months with presentation and yields remaining positive in most areas.  Planning was underway for a food waste collection trial which would require hiring an additional vehicle for the duration of the trial.  More information would be provided when plans were finalised.


Responses to issues raised by Councillors included:


·        Expansion of the glass recycling household collection trial awaited progress of the Environment Bill and associated government funding.  The trial enabled provision of information and gathering of robust evidence to support bids for funding for this to be rolled out countywide, otherwise there would be a significant additional cost.

·        Results of the non-glysophate methods of weed control trial was in the process of being finalised and would be included within a summer grounds maintenance report.  Some methods had not been very effective and had been discontinued.

·        Bird nesting season was from 1 March to 31 August and therefore only work required on safety grounds would be carried out during this period.  Prior to this, 10 additional teams of contractors had been employed following Storm Arwen in addition to the Council’s 3 teams.  High footfall areas had been made safe with reinstatement work and removal of stumps underway.

·        Roadside trees and hedges had been prioritised to ensure roads were safe and not causing damage to vehicles.

·        Carbon footprint impact assessments were being undertaken as part of the kerbside glass collection trial.


The following issues were also raised by Councillors


·        Councillor Stewart enquired if Prudhoe could be part of the food waste trial.

·        Gulley cleaning continued to be a priority.


Technical Services:


·        Highway inspections were being carried out in line with statutory requirements.  The number of actionable defects had reduced and had been assisted by recent mild winter weather.

·        A new larger capacity hot box had recently been delivered for the Tynedale area, which would enable more repairs to be carried out during the working day, with fewer refills being required.

·        A new gulley wagon was also expected for the Tynedale area in the next few weeks.  4 new vehicles had been ordered.  Complaints reported to the area office were picked up by the team.

·        Teams had been working hard as further storms had required repeat visit to areas to clear detritus, blocked drains and gulleys; roads had been opened as soon as practicable and it was hoped that storm clear up work would be finished in the near future.  Additional resources included gulley wagons, sweepers and tree teams in each of the 3 Tynedale areas.

·        Works to improve visibility and safety at roadside verges had been undertaken over the last few months but had now ceased during bird nesting season.  Work was now concentrated on signage and drainage.

·        An update was given on the work being undertaken by the dedicated drainage team, highways investment, LTP surfacing work and flags to flex and members improvement schemes.

·        It was expected that a considerable amount of work which had been postponed as a result of the work on the A69 would be programmed in Hexham with work also to be completed around the high school.  Discussions were being held with colleagues in Street works to determine how this could be completed during the school holiday period.

·        The staff had been incredibly busy with the winter services rota, particularly on the higher ground, storm clean up and the general day to day work.  He placed on record his thanks to all staff who had worked in extreme weather conditions and during unsociable hours.  They were a credit to Northumberland.


The following issues were discussed:


·        Officers were aware of the surface water issues around the high school.  Investigations had been carried out with cameras and jetters and it was believed that some work was scheduled which would hopefully reduce the problem.

·        Work on parking bays and bollards in Corbridge was due to commence on Tuesday 22 March and would take approximately 2 weeks.


An update would be obtained for Councillor Oliver (Prospect Hill / Temperley Grange) and capacity of new equipment following the meeting.


The Chair, on behalf of the Tynedale Local Area Council, acknowledged the contribution by the Neighbourhood Services and Technical Services teams.


RESOLVED that the updates be noted.