Agenda item


Revised Executive Management Structure


The purpose of this report is to advise Council that due to the sad passing of Her Majesty the Queen, and the subsequent respectful mourning period until after the state funeral on 19th September, the meeting for consideration of this report by the Council’s Staff and Appointments Committee on 9th September 2022 was postponed (see pages 71-74).


Revised Executive Management Structure


The report advised Council that due to the sad passing of Her Majesty the Queen, and the subsequent respectful mourning period until after the state funeral on 19th September, the meeting for consideration of the report by the Council’s Staff and Appointments Committee on 9th September 2022 was postponed.


The report of the Staff and Appointments Committee which met on 20 September 2022 to consider this matter had been circulated (copy attached to the sealed minutes). The meeting had been delayed due to the passing of HM the Queen.


The Leader presented the report and endorsed its proposals. There had already been a good response to the vacancies and this was the next step in moving forward. He moved the report’s recommendations which was seconded by Councillor Chicken.


Councillor Morphet asked how the remaining £697,000 worth of savings to be found from tier three would involve. The Interim Chief Executive replied that some of these savings had already been identified. Tiers three and four were those below Executive Director level i.e. service directors and heads of service. Posts at that level would now be aligned to the new structure and he expected that there would be some savings made there. There had already been some approaches from staff at that level about moving on.


Councillor Renner Thompson supported the new structure, in particular the separation of Children’s and Adults Services with a dedicated head of service for each very large area of Council activity.


The Leader reported that he had invited Group Leaders to participate in the interview process.


RESOLVED that the recommendations from the Staff and Appointments Committee held on the 20th of September 2022 be approved as follows; 


(a)      Approve the revised Tier 1 & 2 structure as detailed in Appendix 1 of the Staff and Appointment Committee report. The structure will be led by a Chief Executive who will also be the Council’s statutory Head of Paid Service and will also encompass the role of Electoral Returning Officer. As agreed at the Council’s Staff and appointments Committee on 15th August 2022 this role is currently being externally recruited to;


(b)      That the Executive Director roles below are established at Band 18. This is an equivalent number of Executive Directors that were in place prior to the current interim arrangements that came into force in September 2021. All roles will be subject to external recruitment processes as there are no officers currently occupying substantive Executive Director roles.  

a.    Executive Director Place & Regeneration  

b.    Executive Director Transformation& Resources (S 151 Officer)  

c.     Executive Director Adults, Ageing & Wellbeing (DAS) 

d.    Executive Director Children, Young People & Education (DCS) 

e.     Executive Director Public Health, Inequalities & Stronger Communities (DPH); and


(c)      Agree the remuneration for all the roles in 2. above as identified within the report to the Staff and Appointments Committee contained in Appendix A. The salaries for these posts are set at over £100,000 and therefore need the formal approval of both the Staff and Appointments Committee and of the Full Council in line with the Council’s Pay Policy Statement.  


Supporting documents: