Agenda item


To receive a verbal update from the Area Managers from Technical Services and Neighbourhood Services in attendance about any key recent, ongoing and/or future planned Local Services work for the attention of members of the Local Area Council, who will also then have the opportunity to raise issues with the Area Managers.


The Area Managers have principal responsibility for highway services and environmental services, such as refuse collection, street cleansing and grounds maintenance, within the geographic boundaries of the Local Area Council.


Members received the following updates from the Area Managers from Neighbourhood Services and Technical Services:


Technical Services:


·        98.7% of actionable defects had been repaired in line with the Council’s policy.  4,101 actionable defects had been recorded between July and August 2022.  Highway inspections were up to date and carried out in accordance with the Council’s statutory duty.

·        Footway slurry sealing works had been completed for the season with preparatory works commencing in new locations ahead of completion in 2023.

·        The gulley tanker continued its routine cleansing programme with a dedicated drainage gang and JCB renewing gully pots, cross drains and ditching in known problem areas.  Drainage investigation and repair was due to commence on the A695 at Riding Mill before moving to Acomb.

·        LTP surfacing works had been completed in a number of areas with work scheduled next at West Woodburn.

·        6 out of 13 sites in Tynedale had been completed to date as part of the LTP investment program in U & C roads.

·        Surface dressing work had been completed at all 12 sites within the Tynedale area.  Surface dressing work across the county was overseen by the Tynedale team with 43.96 miles of carriageways covered.

·        A summary of completed safety scheme were outlined with a number of projects programmed in the next few months.

·        The winter services season was due to due to commence on 31 October with 105 members of staff.  Staff and rotas were in place with arrangements for dealing with snowfall and prolonged periods of extreme wintry weather remaining unchanged.  A copy of the winter resilient document was due to be circulated to all members.  Salt supplies had been restocked and 1600 grit bins were in the process of being checked and replenished.  Further refills could be arranged by via provision of serial numbers to the contact centre.


The Highways Delivery Area Manager provided clarification or agreed to investigate issues for Councillors Cessford, Dale, Fairless-Aitken, Kennedy, Morphet and Scott.


Neighbourhood Services:


·        Appointments had recently been made to fill vacant Team Leader posts in the NEAT and Refuse teams.

·        Grass cutting had been suspended in some areas over the summer following long spells of warm and dry weather to enable the grass to recover.  Resource had been diverted to cutting back and weed spraying activities.  Grass cutting was expected to cease in the next few weeks with the minimum number of cuts being achieved.

·        The normal street sweeping schedules were ongoing with focus changing to leaf hot spots within the next month or so.  Members were encouraged to report issues, although officers had to balance competing demands.  They were aware of problems areas previously reported.  Priority areas included areas with significant pedestrian numbers including streets arounds schools, sheltered housing and steep slopes.

·        The winter annual maintenance schedules for the annual maintenance for the cutting back of shrubs, hedging and edging were in the process of being prepared.  Identification of any additional areas requiring attention should be notified by email.

·        Grounds staff working an annualised hours contract would move to winter hours from 20 October (28 hours per week).

·        Verge cutting had extended into August due to a machinery breakdown.

·        Residual, Recycling and Garden waste collection services were operating well, other than a few minor vehicle breakdowns.  The HGV driver staffing difficulties reported at previous meetings were now resolved.  Existing rounds were under review following housing growth and increased take up of the garden waste service.  Boundaries had been moved and routes reconfigured to make them equitable.  Extra resources were also required to meet demand for bulky waste collections, emptying of bottle recycling facilities and collection of higher than normal tonnages for domestic waste. Missed collection alerts should be received by local councillors.

·        The kerbside food waste collection trail was delayed due to problems with the supply of the specialist vehicle.  It was now due to commence in November 2022.


Several members expressed their gratitude to the officers and their teams for completed projects within their wards, swift responses to issues reported and support provided in advance of the Northumberland in Bloom competition.


RESOLVED that the updates be noted.