Agenda item


The Cabinet report sets out the feedback arising from Phase 1 of informal consultation with stakeholders in the Berwick Partnership area and other relevant parties on models of organisation.  As a result of feedback Cabinet is recommended to approve Phase 2 consultation the outcomes of which would be brought back to Cabinet at which stage Cabinet may be requested to approve the publication of statutory proposals.  Comments made by this Committee will be reported to Cabinet on 11 October 2022.



The Cabinet report set out the feedback received from stakeholders arising from Phase 1 of informal consultation with stakeholders in the Berwick Partnership area and other relevant parties on whether any models of organisation that may be brought forward with specific proposals for schools (Phase 2) should consist of only 3-tier models of organisation or include 3-tier and 2-tier (primary/secondary) models of organisation.  As a result of the feedback, Cabinet was being recommended to approve Phase 2 consultation on specific proposals for individual schools in the partnership within both a 3-tier and 2-tier (primary/secondary) structure, including some school closures. This would consist of a 15 week (school weeks) consultation beginning on 31 October 2022.


A comprehensive introduction to the Cabinet report was provided by Councillor Renner-Thompson, Cabinet Member for Children’s Services and S Aviston, Head of School Organisation and Resources who advised that this was a good example of partnership working and whilst account would be taken of the responses received, this would not be the only determining factor in making any decision and suggestions made at this stage would be subject to change following the next consultation.


In response to a request to include GCSE results for Berwick Academy in the next report if it was agreed to proceed to the next stage, it was confirmed that whilst this information could be included, this data would not be validated until January 2023 and should not be compared to previous data due to the impact of Covid.   It was commented that staff in schools had been disappointed to read of possible school closures in the report and had not been advised of this prior to its publication.  S Aviston advised that this was disappointing as they had been working with the Headteachers over the past twelve months and the possibility of the closure of schools had been made clear. All Headteachers had received a telephone call from a senior manager on the detail of the report and a link sent to the report on the Council’s website as soon as it had been published.  Reassurance was provided that all staff would have the opportunity to express their views fully and work would be undertaken, as usual on the possible redeployment of any affected staff should this be needed.


Mr Hodgson apologised that no response had been received from the Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle and advised that they were in support of a 2-tier option.  He highlighted that due to the long distance to the secondary Catholic School, which was in Bedlington, a high proportion of children opted to stay within the Berwick Partnership. 


It was clarified that mapping systems giving details of schools and catchment areas was available on the website and these had been provided as part of the consultation documentation and would also be made available at consultation events.  At the current time approximately 200 children left the partnership to be educated and it was essential to gain local community support to ensure that the high school remained viable and the development model was sustainable.  If it progressed to the next stage, the importance of increasing engagement was highlighted with officers confirming that the options outlined were a starting point and a lot of engagement work was still to be undertaken allowing ideas to come forward and options evolve.


Members particularly welcomed the proposals in relation to the development of SEND provision.


RESOLVED that Cabinet be advised that this Committee supported the recommendations in the report.

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