Agenda item


Construction of two residential properties, including new vehicular access, with associated drainage and infrastructure

Land North West of Garden Cottage, Front Street, Ellington, Northumberland


Construction of two residential properties, including new vehicular access, with associated drainage and infrastructure

Land North West of Garden Cottage, Front Street, Ellington, Northumberland


An introduction to the report was provided by R Soulsby, Planning Officer with the aid of a power point presentation.  There were no updates provided.


Mr Pattison addressed the Committee speaking in objection to the application on behalf of Mr Bramwell.  His comments included the following:-


·       The plan did not show the correct boundary. 

·       There was concern regarding the access into the field as it was too near the main roundabout and appeared to be very close to his property.

·       The decibel check was invalid as it was carried out during the Covid pandemic when traffic was much lighter and with the proposed access right next to his window the noise levels would be much higher.

·       It had been stated incorrectly in documentation that his property was a two storey dwelling and in fact it was a single storey dwelling.

·       The septic tank which was used by Garden Cottage had not been mentioned and the reliance on the field drainage for his property had also not been mentioned.

·       The well on the property had been filled in using the rubble from the demolition of an old blacksmiths tool shed.

·       The two supporters of the proposal had a vested interest in the application.

·       He questioned whether the traffic calming measures which had been installed would remain as there had been a significant rise in the amount of traffic. 

·       The application would be detrimental to many of the amenities in the village and he asked that careful consideration be given to the application.


M Hepburn, Agent on behalf of the applicant addressed the Committee speaking in support of the application.  His comments included the following:-


·       The report fully assessed all the relevant issues and recommended that permission should be granted.  The applicant’s team had worked with officers to ensure the best scheme for the site and the proposals would create two new high quality homes within the village of Ellington.

·       The comments from the Parish Council had been taken into account when they presented material considerations. The proposals were policy compliant and all technical matters had been addressed and there were no material considerations which outweighed the benefits of the proposal.

·       Robust technical assessments had been undertaken which demonstrated that the proposed development was technically sound and deliverable. There were no outstanding objections from any of the Council’s internal consultees and a number of conditions have been agreed between the applicant and Council officers.

·       In response to comments received from Council consultees there had been a reduction in the scale and massing of the houses and there had been a revision to the access arrangements to the site with the new access arrangement following the exact specification requested by the Highways Department.

·       The development had evolved over the course of the application in response to comments received and the result would be a sustainable high quality development which would be a great addition to Ellington.


In response to questions from Members the following information was provided:-


·       The road safety audit had advised that the application was acceptable subject to the relocation of the traffic calming measures.  Highways had sought a S278 agreement so that the applicant would relocate the traffic calming measures under this.  Precise details would only become available after the S278 Agreement was drafted.  The Chair requested that Councillor Dunn as Ward Councillor be consulted as part of any proposals to move the traffic calming measures.

·       The Local Lead Flood Authority (LLFA) had been satisfied with the drainage arrangements and had raised no objections as it had been demonstrated that an appropriate sustainable drainage system would be provided on site.  Condition 4 requested details to be submitted and agreed by the LLFA.

·       It was clarified that the septic tank referred to by the Objector would be a civil issue between the applicant and owner of Garden Cottage should it be required to be relocated.


Councillor Wearmouth proposed acceptance of the recommendation to approve the application as outlined in the report which was seconded by Councillor Dodd.


Members expressed their concern regarding the creation of a new access on the road which had been the subject of a petition for a 20 mph zone and had been why traffic calming measures had been put in place, for these to be moved to accommodate new properties.  Members were reminded that traffic assessments had been carried out and applications could only be refused on highways grounds if there would be a severe impact.  The Highways Development Management Team had assessed the additional impact that the two properties would have on movements on the network and had concluded that the roundabout could cope and with the relocation of the traffic calming measures it would not be a severe impact.  Any proposal to move the traffic calming measures would be consulted upon, including the local Ward Councillor and the applicant would be expected to pay for any changes required.  It was also clarified that the issue of the possible relocation of the septic tank would be a private civil matter and whilst this would need to be resolved, it did not preclude the Committee from making a decision.


A vote was taken on the proposal to approve the application as outlined in the report as follows:-  FOR 6; AGAINST 2; ABSTAIN 1.


RESOLVED that the application be GRANTED subject to a legal agreement securing coastal mitigation, for the reasons and with the conditions as outlined in the report


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