Agenda item


To receive a verbal update from the Area Managers from Technical Services and Neighbourhood Services in attendance about any key recent, ongoing and/or future planned Local Services work for the attention of members of the Local Area Council, who will also then have the opportunity to raise issues with the Area Managers.


The Area Managers have principal responsibility for highway services and environmental services, such as refuse collection, street cleansing and grounds maintenance, within the geographic boundaries of the Local Area Council.



Neighbourhood Services


P. Lowes, Neighbourhood Services Area Manager advised that the residual, recycling and garden waste collections continued to operate well with income from garden waste exceeding targets.  Income from commercial waste and bulk collection had also exceeded targets.   Bottle recycling facilities continued to receive extra collections due to increased use.  There had been increased demand for bulky collections and domestic waste tonnages remained higher than normal and whilst operational adjustments had been made the situation remained challenging.


There had been some staffing issues in relation to grass cutting but the core standard had been achieved.  Work was now commencing on winter work schedules and early requests would be welcomed from Members.  Normal schedules were continuing in relation to street sweeping however this would move to leaf hot spots shortly.  Verge cutting had been completed county wide on target, however the kerbside food waste trial had been delayed due to supply chain issues in relation to vehicles, but was now scheduled to start in November.


In response to issues raised by Members, the following would be looked at:


Sun Inn/War Memorial

Road from Sun Inn to County Hall – debris in the middle of the road

Litter following verge cutting on Alcan Road




M King, Highways Area Manager advised that all Covid restrictions had been removed however some rules remained to ensure good practice and protect  frontline operatives. Reactive maintenance teams were continuing with Cat 1 works and were reported as up to date.  Routine Inspections were ongoing and reported as on target by the end of October.  Reactive third party requests were still running higher than any other areas and the backlog of works continued to be reduced.


Training had been completed for gully wagon drivers and productivity had seen an increase and should continue to rise. All drainage works identified and this year’s programme should be ready to go by the end of October 2022.


The minor patching programme had been completed, with minor structural patching also completed across the Castle Morpeth Area.  Details would be circulated to Members outside of the meeting. 


A number or vacancies had become available, however as with other services within the County it was difficult to attract the level of skills set to ensure that a quality service could be delivered.


In relation to winter services grit bin were being filled and final preparations on going. Routes had been confirmed and teams fully trained and prepared to deliver the same quality service as previous years


Councillor Dodd raised the issue of road markings at the roundabout to join the A69 from Ponteland and also highlighted potential problems with Ash die back and how this could impact on the county’s highways and would be requesting a plan on how this could be tackled at Council in November.


Councillor Towns advised that Ulgham Parish Council were continually reporting issues with road signs.  He also reminded Officers of a issue at Colliery Row where a meeting had been held prior to Covid but had not progressed from that time.


Officers were thanked for their attendance.