Agenda item


The Outcomes of Consultation on Berwick Partnership Organisation


This report sets out the feedback received from stakeholders arising from Phase 1 of informal consultation with stakeholders in the Berwick Partnership area and other relevant parties on whether any models of organisation that may be brought forward with specific proposals for schools (Phase 2) should consist of only 3-tier models of organisation or include 3-tier and 2-tier (primary/secondary) models of organisation.


This report sets out the findings of Phase 1 consultation and as a result of feedback received, Cabinet is recommended to approve Phase 2 consultation with stakeholders in the area served by Berwick Partnership and other interested parties on specific proposals for individual schools in the partnership within both a 3-tier and a 2-tier (primary/secondary) structure, including some school closures.  This would consist of a 15-week (school weeks) consultation beginning on 31 October 2022.


The outcomes of Phase 2 consultation would be brought back to Cabinet at a later date, at which point Cabinet may be requested to approve the publication of statutory proposals (Appendix A).


The report of the FACS OSC will be circulated when the Committee has met.

Supporting documents: