Agenda item


Reserved Matters application for appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for final phases of development comprising of 315 dwellings on approved application 16/04731/OUT

Land South West Of Glebe Farm, Choppington Road, Bedlington, Northumberland



Reserved Matters application for appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for final phases of development comprising of 315 dwellings on approved application 16/04731/OUT

Land South West Of Glebe Farm, Choppington Road, Bedlington, Northumberland


T Wood, Principal Planning Officer provided an introduction to the report with the aid of a power point presentation.  Updates were provided as follows:-


·       An extra condition was required for Highways as follows:-


“Development shall not commence until details of the pedestrian links identified as part of 16/04731/OUT have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall then be carried out in accordance with the approved details to ensure that these links are adequate and implemented in accordance with the details to be approved in consultation with Highways Development Management.

Reason: In the interests of residential amenity and sustainable development, in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework and Policy TRA 1 of the Northumberland Local Plan.”


·       Condition 2 to be updated as follows:-


A) Engineering Layout (Phase 2) QD1837-03-01    from Rev F to Rev H

B) The Impermeable Areas Drawing (Phase 2); QD1837-03-02 - needs  to have Rev A added at the end of the drawing number.

C) The Flow Control Manhole plan S40 QD1531-08-02 needs Rev D to be changed to Rev E

D) The Engineering Layout (Phase 2) QD1797-03-01 needs to have  Rev B changed to Rev C

E) The Impermeable Areas Drawing (Phase 3) QD-1797-03-02 needs  Rev A added to it.


·       Condition 3 to be updated as follows:-


“Prior to the occupation of any dwelling, details showing the extent of new hawthorn hedging or other planting to be located on the site where tree Groups 6,5,14 and 4 are identified to be removed, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The new hedging shall then be planted in accordance with these approved details prior to the occupation of any dwellings with boundaries next to any of these groups, unless any other timing is agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority, and it shall be  maintained until established.


Reason: In the interest of protecting the visual amenity of the site and biodiversity, in accordance with Northumberland Local Plan Policy ENV2.”


·       Condition 4 to be updated as follows:-


“Notwithstanding the details contained on the approved planting plans prior to the occupation of any dwelling, details showing further tree planting along the streets, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. These trees shall then be planted in accordance with these approved details prior to the occupation of any dwellings, unless any other timing is agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority and the trees shall be maintained until established.


Reason: In the interest of protecting the visual amenity of the site and biodiversity, in accordance with Northumberland Local Plan Policy ENV2.”


·       Condition 9 to be updated as follows:-


Need to add 2 more criteria :


1) details of working hours

2) details of construction delivery/collection hours.


The following to be omitted as it already has a reason for the condition above this.


“Reason: In order to achieve a satisfactory form of development and protect general amenity in accordance with the NPPF and Northumberland Local Plan Policy QOP2.”


The Interim Executive Director advised that changes to the layout and open space had been driven by ground conditions allowing properties to be provided on more stable land and open space provided on land not suitable for housing.  The Chair commented that during the site visit it had been seen that the almost complete phase 1 of the development was of a very attractive design.


D Abercrombie & P Arkle addressed the Committee speaking in support of the application.  Their comments included the following:-


·       It was a very thorough report and a lot of hard work had gone into its preparation by officers.  Members were thanked for undertaking the site visit and it had been good to hear the comments regarding the design quality.  He also highlighted that there were a lot of fantastic tradespeople within the North East, some of whom were from Bedlington.

·       The next phase, the reserved matters application before the Committee tonight, would build out and celebrate the success of phase 1. There would be a total of 463 units, 70 of which would be affordable, and this total was well under the cap of 500 which was approved under the outline permission. 

·       Officers had highlighted the SUDs, the public open spaces, the pedestrian access and that the vast majority of hedges would be retained.  Advantage had been taken of introducing a slightly different mix on phase 2 with the knowledge gained on phase 1 and the range of house types had been extended further to include 2 and 3 bedroom starter homes.

·       Both Companies prided themselves on providing very high quality safe sites and would like to continue as a partnership in the second phase to provide the type of scheme the Committee expected when first granting permission.

·       One regret had been the location of the site compound which had incurred a large number of complaints. Lessons had been learned and the applicant would be more sensitive to residents in this respect in the future with the site compound being moved for phase 2 and apologies were provided to the residents.

·       At the site visit Members would have been able to observe the size and scale of the open space which was now to be provided in one location, however it was thought this would add to the quality and the images had shown the size and extent including the SUDs ponds.

·       The size, range of mix and density reflected that on the adjoining sites and did not represent overdevelopment as some objectors had stated.

·       In response to a request to engage more fully with residents it was proposed that a residents forum with existing and future residents would be set up.

·       The Committee were asked to support the application.


In response to questions from Members of the Committee the following information was provided:-


·       The informal footpath between the developments was not an existing Right of Way which made it difficult to request that it be kept.  Following the officer highlighting the other access to be provided, it was stated that it could be conditioned that this be made suitable for all uses if required.

·       Condition 9 requested that a Construction Method Statement be provided to and agreed by the Local Planning Authority (LPA) which would give details of construction times, site compound location etc and this would need to be adhered to throughout the construction period.  Condition 15 of the outline permission had requested a Construction Method Statement which set out the working times for the site and whilst an application had been made to vary these on phase 1 this had been refused.  Details of the working times and delivery times for phase 2 would be agreed as part of this application. 

·       In response to concerns regarding the speed of traffic accessing the site through phase 1 and the proximity of the children’s play area it was confirmed that an additional criteria be added to Condition 9 for measures to protect pedestrians during the construction phase.

·       An informative would be provided stating what would be expected to be provided in respect of communications with residents through the Construction Method Statement.

·       In respect of problems with members of public not being able to access the planning portal to lodge their objections, it was stated that when there were known issues then a message was put on the system to ask for comments to be provided by email.

·       An issue highlighted regarding buses would be followed up separately.

·       Suitable tree planting would be undertaken.


Councillor Robinson proposed acceptance of the recommendation to approve with the conditions as outlined in the report and updated by Officers with amended condition relating to the condition of footpaths, and additional criteria to Condition 9 for measures to protect pedestrians during the construction phase and an informative to be added detailing what was expected in terms of communications with residents.   This was seconded by Councillor Reid.  A vote was taken on this proposal and it was unanimously


RESOLVED that the application be GRANTED for the reasons and with the conditions as outlined in the report and updated by Officers with amended condition relating to the condition of footpaths, an additional criteria to Condition 9 for measures to protect pedestrians during the construction phase and an informative to be added detailing what was expected in terms of communications with residents.


Supporting documents: