Agenda item

TO RECEIVE AND CONSIDER MINUTES from the following Committees

(1)      Corporate Services and Economic Growth OSC


(2)      Family and Children’s Services OSC


(3)      Communities and Place OSC


(4)      Health and Wellbeing OSC


(5)      Health and Wellbeing Board


(6)      Audit Committee


(1)      Corporate Services and Economic Growth OSC


These were presented by Councillor Bawn.


RESOLVED that the minutes be received.


(2)      Family and Children’s Services OSC


These were presented by Councillors Dodd and Daley.


With regard to Minute No. 30 (Family Hubs Development), Councillor Ball did not feel that the minute fully reflected the discussion on this matter. Councillor Dodd advised that he would look at this.


With regard to Minute No. 41 (Northumberland Strategic Inclusion Plan 2022-26), it was noted that Councillor Swinbank should have referred to Councillor Swinburn).


RESOLVED that the minutes be received.


(3)      Communities and Place OSC


These were presented by Councillor Reid. He referred to the remarks he had made at the last meeting regarding the purpose of the minutes being on the agenda and apologised that he had been incorrect. The Constitution referred to reports from Committees being on the agenda and Council could not verify the minutes of other Committees. The MO confirmed to members that the Constitution did not match current practice and needed to be changed.


With regard to Storm Arwen, Councillor Dodd urged members to look at trees in their patches for the effects of Ash die back which was affecting many trees in the County making them vulnerable to creating further damage in any future storms.  The Leader supported this and commended Scrutiny for the ongoing work on this.


RESOLVED that the minutes be received.


(4)      Health and Wellbeing OSC


These were presented by Councillors Jones and Dodd.


RESOLVED that the minutes be received.


(5)      Health and Wellbeing Board


These were presented by Councillor Ezhilchelvan.


RESOLVED that the minutes be received.


(6)      Audit Committee


These were presented by Councillor Oliver.


With regard to Minute No.34 (Consideration of Going Concern Status for the Statement of Accounts for the Year Ended 21 March 2022), Councillor Dickinson commented that he had concerns about the settlement delays and the potential push into January. The Business Chair advised that he was taking comments only on the accuracy of the minutes.  

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