Agenda item


To receive a verbal update from the Area Managers from Technical Services and Neighbourhood Services in attendance about any key recent, ongoing and/or future planned Local Services work for the attention of members of the Local Area Council, who will also then have the opportunity to raise issues with the Area Managers.


The Area Managers have principal responsibility for highway services and environmental services, such as refuse collection, street cleansing and grounds maintenance, within the geographic boundaries of the Local Area Council.



M King, Highways Area Manager advised that in respect of reactive maintenance category 1 works were reported as up to date with routine inspections ongoing and on target. Reactive 3rd party requests remained higher than other areas and there had been a substantial reduction in the backlog of planned works.  Gully maintenance was nearing completion on the strategic routes and all drainage works had been identified and this year’s programme should be ready to go by the end of October 2022, this had been  delayed due to staffing resources.  The minor patching work had been completed and work for next year was being reviewed.  Details of schemes would be circulated to Members in the update report after the meeting.  Members were also advised that the Goosehill car park would be opening the following week.


Difficulties were still being encountered in recruitment of suitable staff with further interviews being held that week.  Final preparations for winter services were ongoing with grit bins being filled however teams were fully trained and routes had been confirmed. 


The report of the Neighbourhood Services Manager would be circulated to Members following the meeting.


The following issues were raised by Members:-


·       Damaged traffic island entering into Pegswood from Whorral Bank had not been repaired and residents were concerned that there would be a further accident as the temporary structure was not lit.  The adoption of the road should be progressed with Barratts.

·       Concerns regarding Ash die back within the County and in particular the effect this could have on the road and power networks.  Members were advised that this issue had been raised with G Gavin and S Wardle following the previous meeting and a further reminder would be sent.

·       Lane lines were required approaching roundabout at junction with A69 in Throckley.  A further reminder would be provided to N Snowdon.

·       Lights being covered by overgrown trees in Darras Hall Estate and possibility of working with the Town Council to get a team in to encourage residents to have these trimmed. Members were advised that letters could be sent giving advice however if there was an obstruction then these could be subject to legal notices requiring work to be undertaken. 

·       Consultation on Pegasus crossing in Ponteland and if found not to be required it was questioned whether this would negate the necessity for the speed to be reduced to 40 mph.  It was thought this was part of a scheme for a shared surface for pedestrians/cyclists/horse but this would be checked with the Design Team.

·       The fallen chevrons at the roundabout at Dobbies Garden Centre would be removed, but it was not known when a permanent repair would be carried out.

·       Outage of street lights on Stakeford Lane would be looked at.

·       Safety works which had been expected to start on the A196 the previous week had not materialised and this.  This would be discussed with the construction team.


M King was thanked for his attendance at the meeting and his team for their work.