Agenda item


Listed Building Consent to install 18 solar panels in 2no. rows of 9no. to the entire southeast facing roofscape, which is the front/principal elevation of the property known as Dawson Place Hall, Allendale, NE47 9PP.


There were no questions arising from the site visit videos which had been circulated prior to the meeting.


The Senior Planning Officer introduced the application with the aid of a powerpoint presentation and confirmed that there were no updates.


In response to questions from Members of the Committee the following information was provided:-


·        It was considered that the 18 solar panels, which would cover the whole of the south east facing roofscape, would be extremely visible and would cause too much harm in the Conservation Area.

·        It was likely that more applications of this nature would be considered in the future and each application would be considered on its own merits.  An application if sensitively sited on a second roof which was not on the principal elevation, may be supported.

·        This application had been referred to the Committee due to the support given by Allendale Parish Council.

·        It was appreciated that alternative energy sources would be difficult to be located or approved at this particular location, but officers could not recommend approval where the measures would cause harm to the listed building.  They would also not enhance the distinctiveness of the conservation area, contrary to Policy ENV 9.


Councillor Kennedy proposed that Listed Building Consent be granted, contrary to the officer’s recommendation, the wording of conditions be delegated to the Director of Planning in conjunction with the Chair.  He was of the opinion that the public benefit to the environment, reduction of C02 emissions in line with the Councils declaration of a climate emergency outweighed the less than substantial harm.  This was seconded by Councillor Horncastle who suggested that the building was shielded by the adjacent library.


Members of the Committee enquired whether officers had any photographs of the proposed solar panels as some panels were less intrusive and would blend in with the slate roof.  Unfortunately, only had the drawings supplied with the plans were available and it would not be possible to specify use of a less visually intrusive panel.


Some of the Councillors understood the difficulties experienced by occupants of old buildings which were difficult to insulate and were looking at alternative methods of powering and heating their homes which were ‘greener’.


The local member believed that solar panels had been approved elsewhere in the town and but perhaps not on a listed building.  Sources of renewable energy were also supported within the Allendale Neighbourhood Plan.  This dilemma would be repeated in the future and it would be desirable for the issue to be addressed via supplementary planning guidance and a holistic approach.


Upon being put to the vote the results were as follows: -




The motional failed.


Councillor Stewart proposed the officer’s recommendation that Listed Building Consent be refused which was seconded by Councillor Scott.


Upon being put to the vote the results were as follows: -




RESOLVED that Listed Building Consent be REFUSED for the reason set out in the report.

Supporting documents: