Agenda item


To receive a verbal update from the Area Managers from Technical Services and Neighbourhood Services in attendance about any key recent, ongoing and/or future planned Local Services work for the attention of members of the Local Area Council, who will also then have the opportunity to raise issues with the Area Managers. 


The Area Managers have principal responsibility for highway services and environmental services, such as refuse collection, street cleansing and grounds maintenance, within the geographic boundaries of the Local Area Council. 




Tony Gribbin, Local Services Area Manager updated members on the following:

Grass Cutting

·        Grass cutting had now ended for the year, the teams had moved to winter works tasks

·        The season finished on 15/16 cuts in the Seaton Valley area and 11 in the Cramlington area and 11 in the Bedlington area.



·        Currently in the winter works season so taking the opportunity to review the effectiveness of this years weed control programme.

·        Looking at an alternative roll out for 2023, to try and be omnipresent across areas.


Street Sweeping

·       Currently working on leaf hotspot areas to prevent localised flooding.

·       Any areas in need of sweeping should be brought to the Team’s attention.


Winter Works

·        The winter works programme had started, members’ requests should be submitted as soon as convenient.   (In some areas councillor walkabouts and meetings had taken place – lists agreed by Councillors would be worked through with Councillors during recent walkabouts).

·        As always, core works would be carried out first then prioritised list of requests.


Waste Services

·        Residua, Recycling and Garden waste collection services were all operating well.

·        Garden waste collections would end November/December.

·        Teams would continue to review existing collection rounds in order to cope with ongoing housing growth as well as controlled growth in take up of the garden waste service.


Other information

·        The kerbside glass recycling scheme trial continued, allowing more data to be gathered on volumes collected, servicing efficiency and participation rates etc.

·        A food waste trial had started in the same areas as the glass trial which would operate from the Morpeth depot on a weekly kerbside collection


Bereavement Services

·       The re-line of cremator 1 had been completed.

·       Works still to be finalised to the Muslim burial plot in Bedlington.

·       Additional drainage requested at the roundabout at Bedlington cemetery.

·       Stone wall mason now identified for the stone wall in St Nicholas churchyard in Cramlington.


In response to members’ questions, Mr Gribbin responded as follows:


·     Residents would receive a small caddy to store their food waste

·     The glass recycling trial had been extended to gather more data

·     The issue with overgrown branches at Glenluce bus stop should be forwarded to Leon Savage

·     Advice would be taken with the Countryside Team in relation to the flooding at Trinity Walk

·     The Countryside Team was aware of the problem of Ash die back.

·     The request for a campaign for garden waste bins to stop plant fly-tipping at Holywell Dene would be a corporate decision but this would be fed back to the Countryside Team

·     The issues at Lanercost Park, Maguire Street and play park in Weldon Road would be followed up

·     The damaged wood fence near CLV would be chased up

·     The Street Works Team would have contacts for utility companies for the media boxes

·     An update would be fed back regarding the broken entrance stone into Collingwood Chase.


The Chair conveyed his thanks to Mr Gribbin and his team, this was echoed by Members.


Mick Carle, Neighbourhood Services Manager, provided the following information:


·     All Highways Inspectors and maintenance crews continued to work inspecting, fixing carriageway defects, making repairs, and making safe category one defects across the South East area.


·     Gully emptier was fully deployed dealing with reported issues and cyclic maintenance.


 Larger Tarmac Patching had been carried out in the following locations;


·     Cairnsmore Close, Cramlington

·     A192 East Hartford, Cramlington

·     B1505 Bog Houses, Cramlington

·     Stead Lane, Bedlington

·     Dudley Lane, Cramlington

·     Chesterhill, Cramlington

·     Moorland Drive, Bedlington


Drainage Improvements:


The area teams were continuously looking and programming future planned works both patching and drainage improvements.


·         Additional Gully Tanker carrying out routine and reactive drain clearing

·         Dudley Lane, Cramlington


LTP - Carriageway Resurfacing


LTP Carriageway Resurfacing schemes were being programmed and all affected members would be notified in advance.


Other Work


·         North Ridge


Winter Maintenance


A winter briefing note (attached with minutes) was circulated to members and Key points highlighted.


In response to members comments, Mr Carle responded as follows:-


·        The wording for Council Communications for gritting in key areas would be looked at.

·        Gritting leaflets would be brought to the next meeting for members to relay information to relay.


The Chair requested that thanks be conveyed to the team, which was echoed by members..