Agenda item


New detached house for permanent residence.

Land West of Radcliffe Park, Radcliffe Park, Bamburgh, NE69 7AN



New detached house for permanent residence

Land West of Radcliffe Park, Radcliffe Park, Bamburgh, NE69 7AN


C. Simm – Planning Officer, introduced the application with the aid of a PowerPoint presentation, there were no updates.


A. Bardgett spoke on behalf of Bamburgh Parish Council and gave the committee the following information:

·       Bamburgh Parish Council supported the application.

·       The house would integrate into the existing highways.

·       The AONB Officers had supported the application.

·       Bamburgh Parish Council believed there was no harm to visual amenity.


S. Cole spoke in support of the application and gave the committee the following information:

·       The applicant was happy to enter into a Section 106 Agreement for a Coastal Mitigation payment.

·       The STP 1 policy allowed the application if it was supported by the Neighbourhood Plan.

·       50% of the plot would be a paddock and wildflower meadow.

·       There had been no objections from consultees apart from Highways.

·       The application was supported by Bamburgh Parish Council.


Following members questions to the planning officer, the following information was provided:

·       The application was in contrary to the new Northumberland Local Plan.


Councillor Renner-Thompson proposed to grant the application, contrary to the planning officer’s recommendation, for the following reasons:

1.    The site was located in a sustainable location, on the edge of the settlement of Bamburgh and would not be visible from the surrounding area. The site was bounded on two sides by development and would result in a much needed principal occupancy dwelling which would support the village of Bamburgh in accordance with Paragraph 5.45 of The North Northumberland Coast Neighbourhood Development Plan which stated that "Settlement boundaries have been created in the Plan having regard to the planning principles established in NPPF. In particular, they have been defined to ensure recognition of the intrinsic character and beauty of the countryside in the Neighbourhood Area. The settlement boundaries are not intended to stifle development which could still make a positive contribution to sustainable communities in the Neighbourhood Area". 

2.    By virtue of its design, scale, location and density, the proposed development would not be out of character with and would not have a detrimental visual impact upon the surrounding landscape. As such the proposal would accord with the National Design Guide, Policy QOP1 and QOP2 of the Northumberland Local Plan, Policy 5 of the North Northumberland Coast Neighbourhood Plan and Paragraphs 126 and 127 of the NPPF. 

3.    This development fell within the 'zone of influence' for coastal sites designated at a national and international level as Sites of Special Scientific Interest and Special Protection Areas/ Special Areas of Conservation/ Ramsar sites and, as such, coastal mitigation measures are required.? The applicant had agreed to enter into a legal agreement under Reg 63 (5) of the Habitats Regs 2017. The development would therefore accord with policy ENV2 of the Northumberland Local Plan and the NPPF.

4.    The applicant had agreed to enter into a Section 106 Agreement to secure principal occupancy which was considered necessary in order to ensure that new dwellings are occupied only as a Principal Residence. The proposal would therefore accord with Policy 14 of the North Northumberland Coast Neighbourhood Plan.


This was seconded by Councillor Thorne.


A vote was taken as follows: FOR; 5, AGAINST; 3, ABSTAIN; 2


RESOLVED that the application was GRANTED with a S106 to include Coastal Mitigation contribution and principal occupancy requirement and necessary conditions to be delegated to the planning officer in conjunction with the Planning Area Manager and the Chair of Planning.  


Councillor Renner-Thompson and Councillor Pattison left the meeting.


Supporting documents: