Agenda item


Proposed new self/custom build dwelling and annexed accommodation

Horncliffe County Firsy School, Tofts Lane, Horncliffe, Berwick-Upon-Tweed, Northumberland, TD15 2XR



Proposed new self/custom build dwelling and annexed accommodation.

Horncliffe County First School, Tofts Lane, Horncliffe, Berwick-Upon-Tweed, Northumberland TD15 2XR


J. Sharp – Senior Planning Officer, introduced the application with the aid of a PowerPoint Presentation and gave the following updates:

·       Additional six representations had been received in support of the proposals, these related to the removal of the old school building and some consider the design of the proposed dwelling acceptable.


P. Greenwood spoke in support of the application and gave the committee the following information:

·       The site was a brownfield site where the applicant had already constructed six semi-detached affordable bungalows for rent.

·       The applicant would utilise the current reinforced concrete floor, which would save hundreds of tons of concrete being dug up and transported.

·       The application would use existing utility services already on site.

·       The existing roadways would be maintained as well as hard standing parking with was on site with drainage.

·       Materials were locally sourced from local firms with facing stone from the local quarry.

·       The structure of the building would be utilised during the build negating the need to have additional portacabins for the site workers.

·       Daylight would not be restricted due to the site orientation.

·       There would be a low impact from street view due to the current mature trees in the existing garden.

·       The application was for a family dwelling offering independent support for elderly relatives.


Following questions from members to the planning officer, the following information was provided:

·       The separation distance to the neighbouring properties was 13m in some places and 6m at the nearest, whereas the industry standard was 21m.

·       There was potential and concerns for overbearing and overlooking into the neighbouring properties.

·       The planning officer believed a better design could be achieved.

·       The desire to demolish the existing school building was not a material consideration.


Councillor Patterson proposed to grant the application saying that she did not believe the design was of poor standard, this was seconded by Councillor Hill.


Councillor Thorne stated that he was against the planning application and that the application was too close to the existing bungalows and that it did not fit in with the local surroundings, this was agreed by Councillors Watson, Swinbank and Castle.


A vote was taken as follows: FOR; 3, AGAINST; 7, ABSTAIN; 1.


The motion failed, Councillor Thorne proposed the accept the officer’s recommendation to refuse the application, this was seconded by Councillor Watson.


A vote was taken as follows: FOR; 6, AGAINST; 3, ABSTAIN; 2.


RESOLVED that the application was REFUSED for the following reasons:


  1. Design 


By virtue of its design, massing and scale the proposal would result in an incongruous and inappropriate form of development that would not make a positive contribution to local character and distinctiveness and would not integrate well into the surrounding area. The proposal would therefore be contrary to Policy QOP 1 of the Northumberland Local Plan and the National Planning Policy Framework. 


  1. Impact on Amenity 


By virtue of its scale, design and close location to existing properties at Hair Court, the proposed development would have a detrimental impact upon neighbouring amenity. The proposed development would therefore not accord with Policy QOP 2 of the Northumberland Local Plan or the National Planning Policy Framework. 


Supporting documents: