Agenda item


Response to the Challenge Board Interim Report 1 for the Member Oversight Group


To consider and respond to the first interim report of the Challenge Board, provided to the Member Oversight Group on the 23.12.22.  This report was considered at County Council on 18 January 2023.


Response to the Challenge Board Interim Report 1 for the Member Oversight Group


The Leader introduced the first interim report of the Challenge Board, provided to the Member Oversight Group on the 23.12.22 and considered at County Council on 18 January 2023.  (A copy of the report has been filed with the signed minutes).


The Leader advised that back in 2021, he took the decision to commission an independent review of governance in the Council. The final report of the Independent Review of Governance (known as the ‘Caller Report’) was presented to Full Council in June 2022.  In line with the Caller Report recommendations across-party, Member Oversight Group, was established to oversee the development and delivery of an Improvement Plan in response to Caller.  Again, following the Caller recommendations, the Leader of the Council asked the Local Government Association (LGA) to establish an external Challenge Board of experienced local government Elected Members and Officers to advise the Council on its improvement journey.  


The Challenge Board was established and met formally for the first time in October 2022.  Following its first three meetings, the Challenge Board drafted its first, interim report and presented its findings to the Members Oversight Group on the 23.12.22.


It was reported that overall, the Board’s interim report presented a positive picture of progress.  Alongside this, the Board had provided feedback and advice on six key areas of work as set out within the report.


The Chair thanked the Leader for attending the meeting and presenting the report.  He commented on the pace and positive direction of travel being achieved so far. 


Councillor Jackson spoke about being denied access to information in the past and knew of other former Cabinet Members who had also experienced similar struggles.  He stated that the Council had an access to information policy but that it had not aways been adhered to in previous years.  He commented that all 67 members had the right to information.  He welcomed the feedback and advice received including the need for the Council to arrive at an agreed protocol on appropriate access to information to give clarity on what members could and could not have (and why).  He stated that the changes being made by the Council would help achieve a change in culture, rebuild trust and enable the authority to move forward.


Councillor Oliver agreed with comments made and felt this was a positive report with the Council already taking great strides to improve.  He did raise a question about the pace needed to bring about change quickly, particularly regarding producing budgets and the Corporate Plan.  In response the Leader commented that in the past there had been a lot of consultation, but comments made had not always been listened to.  He wanted to be precise in who to communicate with and listen to feedback received.  Recently there had been an all member policy conference, meetings with town and parish councils, Local Area Councils and discussions with business leaders.  He felt this was the best way to get a strong steer on things but understood that as an Administration the responsibility lay with them.  He stressed that the Council must continue to implement the necessary changes needed and trusted that if things were moving too fast, they would be informed.  It was hoped that the new constitution of the Council and scrutiny methodology would also be agreed in May.


The Chair noted that there was a need to get on and drive forward changes, but that this should be balanced against ensuring the Council did not move too fast that people were left behind. 


Councillor Dale commented on the next steps detailed within the Board’s report and the requirement for a longer term, three year, holistic, overall improvement plan which was clear about what success would look like and how the current actions (and any currently missing actions) would achieve this, especially around culture, behaviours, values.  She queried if there was a timeline for the development of this plan, would this be the overarching plan to encompass all underpinning plans and suggested Audit Committee examine any shortfalls from the improvement plan if necessary.


The Leader thanked the Interim Chief Executive for the work and support since being appointed and the smooth transition process leading to the appointment of the new Chief Executive.  He confirmed that part of the role of the new Chief Executive and her leadership team would be to create an improvement plan.  With the help of the Challenge Board, work to develop a longer-term, outcomes-based culture change programme would also take place.


The Interim Chief Executive gave assurances that action and activity was taking place on all points detailed within the report.  The longer-term programme would be completed by the annual County Council meeting in May. 


The Leader stated that the Council was now very different with key services, frontline services and education all doing very well.  He stated that he was very proud of staff for the effort taken and commitment to making real changes.


Councillor Towns agreed that there had been a vast improvement and it felt that everyone was now working together.  However, the senior officer team were interim in their current roles.  Whilst they were clearly doing their best individually and collectively, the uncertainty and lack of permanence was not conducive to them working as an effective team and them taking a strong lead on the improvement and changes needed.  He believed the new Chief Executive and a permanent senior team would only further strengthen the Council.  He suggested that Audit Committee continue to follow progress to ensure real cultural changes were being made. 


The Interim Chief Executive thanked councillors for their comments and stated that the current senior team had been brilliant and had already started to make very important changes within the Council.  The Executive Director recruitment process had been taking place and it was hoped to fill all posts.  The Director of Law and Governance (Monitoring Officer) role was also out for recruitment.  It was stated that once appointments were filled it would be the first time in 10 years since there was a permanent senior team in place.


Councillor Grimshaw expressed her thanks to J. Willis and S. Binjal who had both been an asset to the Council’s senior management team.


RESOLVED that the report be noted.

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