Agenda item


The purpose of this report is to update Members on the policies governing the administration of Revenues and Benefits and seek approval for the updates and amendments highlighted.


Councillor Richard Wearmouth, Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Corporate Services is required to attend for this item


Councillor Richard Wearmouth, Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Corporate Services introduced the report to committee. 


Two policy changes were highlighted to committee. There was a hope to implement a premium for empty homes across the County after one year rather than two and to implement a council tax premium for second homes across the County from 2024/25. Both measures would be subject to the levelling up and regeneration bill receiving royal assent by 31st March 2023. It was something that the Authority felt needed to be done to reflect a pressing need in the County. Second homes were an increasing issue in the County and the Cabinet had agreed to implement the increase once the bill had gone through Parliament. 


RESOLVED to advise the Cabinet that it supported the recommendations contained in the report

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