Agenda item


Conversion of existing garages to form 4 bungalows. Mouldshaugh Lane Garages, Mouldshaugh Lane, Felton, Northumberland



Conversion of existing garages to form 4 bungalows.

Mouldshaugh Lane Garages, Mouldshaugh Lane, Felton, Northumberland


T Lowe – Principal Planning Officer introduced the application with a PowerPoint presentation and gave members the following updates:

·       Condition 15 should read “No building shall be brought into use or occupied until a verification report to the approved methodology in Condition 14 has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.”

·       Since the publication of the report, a number of additional objections had been received and had been uploaded to public access and members had had the opportunity to view them. Objections included; loss of current use of garages for household and other storage, need for the bungalows, loss of parking and design of the bungalows.

·       The Housing Delivery Manager had confirmed that the garages were allocated/contracted for the storage of motor cars. All occupiers who identified their need to garage cars, could be accommodated in the remaining garages in Block C.

·       The Housing Enabler Officer had confirmed the local ‘Need’ for the size/type of accommodation.


A Culprit spoke on behalf of Felton Parish Council and gave members the following information:

·       Felton Parish Council supported the values of the application and were in favour of regenerating brownfield sites however opposed to the scheme on behalf of residents.

·       The garages were said to be disused however they were used for vehicle parking and tool storage.

·       Felton lacked garages and off-street parking.

·       There was a waiting list for the garages, and the Parish Council were shocked to find out that some were empty.

·       There was no need for additional housing.

·       The development was not appropriate.


R Edwards spoke in support of the application and gave members the following information:

·       The application was for 100% affordable housing.

·       There was an increasingly aging population in Felton.

·       The construction method would be sustainable as the development would be made from pre-manufactured panels.

·       The bungalows were all accessible, energy efficient, two bed properties.


Following questions from members to the planning officer, the following information was then provided:

·       The garages were contracted to be used as a car garage, across all three blocks, all who responded to the Housing consultation to garage cars could be accommodated in Block C.

·       There would be five dedicated parking spaces for the bungalows as well as visitor parking.

·       Parking, access, and the road widths were all acceptable.

·       No compensation would be offered to residents.

·       The garages were owned by Northumberland County Council.

·       The bungalows would meet all current building standards including domestic EV chargers.


Councillor Pattison joined the meeting midway through questions to the planning officer from members. It was noted that although she was in attendance, she would not take part in any debate or vote in the application.



Councillor Thorne proposed to refuse the application on the basis of loss of parking amenity with the exact wording to be delegated to officers. This was seconded by Councillor Mather.


Councillor Thorne expressed that whilst he supported the principle of converting garages to low cost, energy efficient properties, he felt that Felton already had a critical car parking situation, and the garages were needed for not only parking but for residents to use as storage. Councillor Mather voiced to members that the Parish Council and the Local Councillor knew what was happening on the ground and urged members to support the voice of the local people.


Members noted that they had a duty to promote social housing and whilst it was a fine balance there was no planning reason to refuse the application, with Councillor Clark stating that he would welcome this type of application in his ward.


A vote was taken on the motion to refuse as follows: FOR; 2, AGAINST; 8, ABSTAIN; 0


The motion failed and Councillor Castle proposed to accept the officer’s recommendation, this was seconded by Councillor Hill.


A vote a taken as follows: FOR; 8, AGAINST; 2, ABSTAIN; 0


RESOLVED that the application be GRANTED subject to the conditions in the report.


Supporting documents: