Agenda item


Outline permission for the erection of up to 9 no. residential units (C3 use) (All Matters Reserved)

Butley Ben, North Lane End, Morpeth, Northumberland

NE61 3JR



Outline permission for the erection of up to 9 no. residential units (C3 use) (All Matters Reserved)

Butley Ben, North Lane End, Morpeth, Northumberland, NE61 2JR


An introduction to the report was provided by R Laughton, Senior Planning Officer with the aid of a power point presentation.


Councillor A Byard addressed the Committee speaking on behalf of Morpeth Town Council (MTC).  Her comments included the following:-


·       The Morpeth Neighbourhood Plan highlighted that the approaches to Morpeth were open and green, with development largely screened from the roads right into the heart of the built-up area.


·       The Neighbourhood Plan Landscape Corridor policy, amongst others, sought to retain the character of those approaches within the Settlement Boundary. It was not thought necessary to extend that principle beyond the Settlement Boundary into open countryside.


·       MTC's objection was mainly an attempt to preserve the openness of these approaches and avoid development which made this part of the road network feel as though it was in a built-up area.  Otherwise, this land seemed to be largely unprotected by planning policy as Neighbourhood Planning relating to development inside the settlement boundary (supporting the character of the town) did not apply and nor did the Open Countryside policy.


·       The other main concern was that this outline permission would establish the principle of building, but with such comprehensive reserved matters, that the end product could not be effectively controlled by planning policy (including factors such as the final number of houses and character of development).


·       MTC would be prepared to withdraw their objection if several aspects were removed from reserved matters and conditioned in the outline permission, namely:


·       A firm limit on the total number of houses.

·       A layout screening the development from the road which at least met the requirements of the NP landscape corridor policy.

·       A layout which recognised the Wildlife Corridor along the edge of the site, and that the area was also a “wildlife reservoir” which feeds and supports the town wildlife corridors. The NP Wildlife Corridor policy was relevant.

·       The character of the development reflected the character of Morpeth. The town had suffered from housing planning consents granted before the Neighbourhood Plan or Local Plan were made, which had led to developments that eroded the character of the town and it was hoped to halt this trend if possible.


In response to questions from Members the following information was noted:-


·       This application would establish the principle of development and everything else would be considered at the reserved matters stage.


·       The application was for up to 9 properties, anything over this number would require a new planning application to be made.


·       Previously this site had been within the Green Belt which was the reason an appeal had been refused. However following the adoption of the Local Plan the site was no longer within the Green Belt, nor were any of the other edges of the roundabout.   In relation to the sense of arrival into Morpeth, design codes could be requested as a condition on this application and a conversation could be held with the applicant in relation to the landscaping, design and materials to be used.


·       Consultation had been undertaken with the Housing Enabling Officer in relation to affordable housing who had advised that a commuted sum would be acceptable for this scheme.  Unfortunately it was not possible to advise on why it was acceptable for housing to be delivered this way.


Councillor Towns proposed acceptance of the recommendation to approve the application subject to the conditions in the report along with an additional condition seeking compliance with a design code in relation to screening/ approach and materials with the exact wording of the condition to be delegated to the Director of Planning in consultation with the Chair of Planning Committee.  This was seconded by Councillor Wearmouth.  A vote was taken on the proposal and it was unanimously:


RESOLVED that the application be GRANTED for the reasons and with the conditions as outlined in the report with an additional condition seeking compliance with a design code in relation to screening/ approach and materials with the exact wording of the condition to be delegated to the Director of Planning in consultation with the Chair of Planning Committee. 


A request was made by the Vice-Chair (Planning) that the Housing Enabling Officer attend a future meeting to give advice in relation to affordable housing.


Supporting documents: