Agenda item


For members to receive an update on the Northumberland Line Project.



Neil Blagburn, Programme Delivery Director shared a presentation and gave progress update on the Northumberland Line. The key points included:


·       The rail corridor – 2 underbridges had been replaced and 1 restrengthened.  All successfully delivered on time with no impact to the operation of the railway 20 km of new rail track had been installed and multi-realignment of tracks. 6 under road / rail track crossings had been installed with lineside signalling equipment installations still ongoing.

·       Mining remediation – due to past mining in areas, some stations had required drilling and grouting, e.g., Seaton Delaval.  Recent discussions with Network Rail Mining Engineer had been positive insofar as no mining remediation required at Bedlington.  Northumberland Park due to commence in March/April 2023.

·       Stations and structures – piling underway at Newsham for road bridge and footbridge. Ashington station well underway.  Palmersville underpass and de-vegetation also underway and Northumberland Park de-vegetation complete.

·       Northern trains – mobilisation – Conductor Team Manager, Drivers and Driver Manager recruited and training underway for familiarisation of routes.  Fares and ticketing systems workstream underway.

·       Social value – included apprenticeships, food banks, Dales SEND School, women into construction pilot, STEM and career workshops in schools, community engagement events.

·       The Secretary of State visit in March which had confirmed the delivery of the project.

·       Local Projects – Bedlington Station, Bedlington Engineering Works, Seaton Delaval Station, Furnace Way Sidings and West Sleekburn junction.


(Councillor Ferguson left the meeting at 5:09 pm).


The following questions from members and responses were:


·       In response to reassurance and timelines.  Highways elements were in place and road disruption would be minimised.  With regards to potential flooding at Seaton Delaval – the car park would have a permeable surface and drains in the field to allow to drain freely.  A flood defence expert had reviewed the scheme and confirmed it would help with localised flooding. The platform and drainage at Seaton Delaval should be started within the next 3-4 weeks. The current target for first passenger trains commencing was August next year.

·       With reference to the fly-over at Blyth – piles were being installed for the bridge abutments and the road would sweep up and over the railway line to the south of the existing A1061  away from the houses adjacent to the current crossing.  Finance was in place for these works.

·       Analysis had shown that the closure time of level crossings at peak times would generally be less than at present and the vast majority would improve. A digital signalling system would be used to control the barriers.  With regards to specific concerns around Blyth Bebside it was confirmed that the barrier down instances, whilst more often, would not result in an accumulation of road traffic congestion.

·       At present the terminus for the train would be platform 1 at Newcastle Central Station, however platform capacity was strained at Newcastle and this could change and there may also be the opportunity in the future for potential onward travel, for example to the Metro Centre.

·       The estimated passenger numbers could be provided after the meeting.

·       In response to economy and regeneration – developers were waiting until the stations had been completed. There were businesses at Blyth seafront and regeneration in Ashington and opportunities being looked at for a museum at Bedlington.


(Councillor Ezhilchelvan left the meeting at 5.30 pm).


·       In reply to a query regarding green electricity, Mr Blagburn stated that electrification was cost prohibitive for the scheme, alternative fuels such as hydrogen were being looked at as the Northern rail fleet would need to be refreshed in the near future.


(Councillor Ezhilchelvan re-joined the meeting at 5.33 pm).


·       Car park capacity had been phased and tailored to demand.  A lot of objections had been initially received to the initial car park capacity.

·       It was noted that Arriva had the monopoly from Bedlington to Newcastle. No proposal had been firmed up in relation to bus connectivity to the stations and officers were working with Arriva. The new Combined Authority was looking at a Joint Transport option.

·       In response to comments from a member of the public regarding site managers taking Seghill and Seaton Delaval residents into account in relation to:

o   Off-loading of plant during peak hours; vehicle wheel washing and road sweeping being carried out more frequently; pedestrians being unable to cross during crossing closures with elderly and vulnerable residents being unable to access local shops for 3 days; patching/repairs to tarmac being done to a better standard at Seghill crossing and a review of the traffic plan (foot and vehicle) to be done for Seaton Delaval’s new schools and the station did not seem to take each other into account.  Mr Blagburn responded that the issues with the soil on footpaths and roads should be under control, if not, that would be tackled again. Potholes were repaired on a temporary basis and if not adequate would be looked at again. Pedestrian access was being reviewed by Network Rail and Siemens and closures for vehicles and pedestrians would be kept to a minimum, ensuring safe facilities to cross wherever possible.


Mr Blagburn was thanked for his informative presentation.