Agenda item


To note the following membership and terms of reference:-


25 members


Chair:  P. Ezhilchelvan


Vice Chair: G. Syers




Independent  Group

Liberal Democrats

Green Party

Ind Non-Grouped

P. Ezhilchelvan

E. Simpson





D. Ferguson






W. Pattison






G. Renner Thompson






G. Sanderson






J. Watson







Council Leader

Portfolio Holder Caring for Adults

Portfolio Holder Inspiring Young People

Portfolio Holder Promoting Healthy Lives

Portfolio Holder Improving Public Health and Wellbeing

Labour representative

Executive Director Children’s Services and Education

Executive Director Adults, Aging and Wellbeing

Executive Director of Public Health, Inequalities and Stronger Communities

Director of Housing and Planning

North East and North Cumbria ICB (x1 representative)

Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne & Wear NHS Foundation Trust (x1 rep)

Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (x1 rep)

Northumberland Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust (x1 rep)

Newcastle Upon Tyne NHS Foundation Trust (x1 rep)

North East Ambulance Service (to be invited) (x1 rep)

NHS England (x1 rep)

Voluntary Community and Social Enterprise Organisations (x1 rep)

Healthwatch (x1 rep)         

Local Medical Committee (x1 rep)

Local Pharmaceutical Committee (x1 rep)

Children’s and Adults Safeguarding Board (x1 rep)

Harrogate & District NHS Foundation Trust (x1 rep)

Northumbria Police (x1 rep)

Northumberland Fire & Rescue Service (x1 rep)


Terms of reference.


Statutory functions


(1)    To encourage all health and care organisations which operate within Northumberland to work together in an integrated manner.


(2)    To provide all appropriate advice, assistance and support to encourage the development of formal partnership arrangements between social care and health services, making use of the powers provided by Section 75 of the NHS Act 2006.


(3)    To produce and maintain the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) for Northumberland, covering all needs which either fall within the responsibilities of health commissioners, but could alternatively be met or significantly affected by local authority functions or vice versa.


(4)    To produce a joint health and wellbeing strategy (JHWS) for Northumberland, on behalf of the Council and NHS Northumberland Clinical Commissioning Group.


(5)    To ensure that Healthwatch Northumberland and the people who live and work in Northumberland are involved in the production of the JSNA and the JHWS.


(6)    To maintain and update Northumberland’s Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment.


(7)    To respond to any pharmacy contract consolidation request submitted to NHS England within the statutory timeframe.


(8)    to consider the Northumberland County Council’s COVID 19 Outbreak Prevention and Control Plan.


Development and Improvement Functions


(9)    To improve democratic accountability for health and wellbeing decision making.


(10)  To provide a focus for Health and Wellbeing Board partners and total public sector commitment to improving population wellbeing and health outcomes. 


(11)  To ensure that communities and service users are involved in determining needs and in designing, developing and delivering services.


(12)  To monitor and report progress within the priorities identified within the JHWS and to hold partners to account including the ICS, ICP and System Transformation Board.  This may be done through Joint Health and Wellbeing Boards across the ICP footprint.


(13)  To advise all partners and stakeholders on steps that they could take to reduce health inequalities within Northumberland and between Northumberland and England as a whole


(14)  To promote broader integration and partnership working between the NHS, LA, other public sector organisations and the VCSE.


(15)  Any other functions that may be delegated by the Council under section 196 (2) of the Health and Social Care Act 2012.


(16)  To provide an annual report to the Health and Wellbeing OSC; and undertake regular reviews of the Board’s activity to ensure that it is achieving what it is setting out to do.


Members noted the membership and terms of reference which had been agreed by the Full Council meeting on 17 May 2023.