Agenda item


Review of External Inspection Reports – Adult Social Care and Children’s Services


To inform Members of the activity pertaining to Adults Social Care and Children's Services regarding external inspections and associated actions.  This covers the period from 1st January 2023 to 30th June 2023.


Review of External Inspection Reports – Adult Social Care and Children’s Services


Members were informed of the activity pertaining to Adults Social Care and Children's Services regarding external inspections and associated actions.  The report covered the period from 1 January 2023 to 30 June 2023.  (A copy of the report has been filed with the signed minutes).


A. Hartwell, Senior Manager, Performance and Systems Support and A. Curry, Senior Manager, Commissioning presented the overall positive report.  Since the report was written there had been some updates.  Of the Northumberland-based Adults Social Care providers there were no longer any judged to be inadequate.  Inspections of children’s residential homes continued to be judged as good or better, with Kyloe secure unit judged as outstanding on all criteria when it was inspected in the autumn.  Phoenix House children’s home was currently being inspected.  The Adult Learning Service was still awaiting its inspection.


Councillor Dale asked if data could be produced which gave a breakdown in inspection judgements between academies and maintained schools.  It was suggested this information be provided following the meeting and could be included in future reports.


Councillor Grimshaw commented on the recruitment and retention of staff in social care services and asked if this had resulted in any care homes having to close because of these challenges.  A. Curry confirmed that since the COVID pandemic there were more adult care homes within the county, but the Council continued to try to invite local care providers to provide more specialist care in the area.  


Councillor Cessford commented on ways in which the local authority worked with the management of adult social care settings where ratings had deteriorated.  He asked if more information could be provided within these six-monthly reports which showed the adult social care providers ratings over a longer period of time.  This would allow members to understand any patterns/trends identified and help evaluate the effectiveness of the assistance given by the local authority.  It was confirmed extra detail could be added to future reports.


Councillor Oliver queried whether there were any capacity issues particularly when places had been restricted due to a poor CQC inspection status.  A. Curry confirmed that where the Council had restricted new placements to a service officers would manage the situation while ensuring resources could be redirected to help rectifying problems.  


Councillor Wallace talked about independent living and adult care provision and the choices available to residents.  A. Curry stated that the southeast of the county had the most concentration of adult care provision and would expect those residents would have more choice than those in more rural areas.  Capacity levels were stable but domiciliary care remained the biggest area of risk/concern at the minute due to a shortage of care workers although there had been a slight improvement since April 2023.  Most people wanted to stay in their homes for as long as possible, but the Council continued to try and improve the choice available for all. 


RESOLVED that Audit Committee assesses the effectiveness of the actions the Council takes in response to external inspections and confirms an assurance that the Council is taking appropriate action in respect of any issues.





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