Agenda item


Update on and refresh of the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy theme ‘Adopting a whole system approach to health and care’


To consider the report presented to Health and Wellbeing Board on 12 October 2023 as an update on achievements against the theme of ‘Adopting a whole system approach to health and care’ in the Northumberland Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2018-28.


Update on and refresh of the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy theme ‘Adopting a whole system approach to health and care


Members considered the report presented to Health and Wellbeing Board on 12 October 2023 which sought to update on achievements against the theme of ‘Adopting a whole system approach to health and care’ in the Northumberland Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2018-28.  (A copy of the report has been filed with the signed minutes).


The report was presented by Dr. J. Brown, Consultant in Public Health, who drew members’ attention to the main points within the report.  He reported that ‘Adopting a whole system approach to health and care’ was one of four themes of the 2018-28 Joint Health & Wellbeing Strategy.  The Systems Transformation Board (STB) had agreed to take ownership of this theme and set up a task and finish group to review and refresh the theme.  Membership was drawn from a number of bodies including the Health & Wellbeing Board, ICB, and Northumbria Healthcare Foundation Trust.


There had been improvements relating to smoking prevalence and percentage of physically active adults. However, there was a worsening trend in alcohol related hospital admissions and self-reported wellbeing.


There were many examples of integration which had occurred within Northumberland across sectors such as healthcare, public health, education, social care and the voluntary and community sector, physical and mental healthcare.


It was proposed that the three priorities for the theme be updated as follows:-?


Priority 1 – Refocus and prioritise prevention and health promotion.

Priority 2 - Drive integrated, coordinated, personalised care, and user and resident involvement in the health and (social) care system.

Priority 3 – Ensure access to, experiences of, and outcomes from services that contribute to health and wellbeing are equitable.


Details of the relevant actions and indicators/evidence of progress for each priority were provided.


Over the next few months members would be provided with information on the progress on actions within the JHWS for the three other themes which were:


Empowering People and Communities


Giving Children and Young People the Best Start in Life


Building Blocks Theme


A number of comments were made, including:-

·       The views of the Health and Wellbeing Board were noted.

·       The Health and Wellbeing OSC would consider further themes of the JHWS.

·       There was to be a meeting of the Health and Wellbeing OSC on 9 January 2024 to discuss the next theme of the JHWS.  At this meeting members of the Family and Children’s Services OSC would be invited to attend.  Issues such as the best start of life and the role of education would be discussed.

·       Smoking and vaping issues were discussed.  Although smoking levels were reducing there was a concern that the levels of people using vapes was increasing, particularly adolescent children.

·       A query as to why Northumberland had a higher rate of hospital admissions due to alcohol.  It was reported that across the North East there were higher levels being reported.  Measures within the JHWS would look into this in more detail.

·       Confirmation that inequalities and other protected characteristics ran through all of the themes within the JHWS.  The Inequalities Group had been involved in the JHWS and the proposed amendments to priorities, actions, and indicators to measure progress for the remaining period of the strategy.

·       Confirmation that poverty, unemployment, welfare rights and housing would all be included within the JHWS.



(a) note and comment on the achievements described in the report, and

(b)  that the proposed amendments to priorities, actions, and indicators or evidence of achievements for the theme be noted.

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