Committee details

Communities and Place OSC

Purpose of committee

(a)      To maintain an overview of the Management Agreements in place between the County Council and Active Northumberland, Woodhorn Museum Charitable Trust and Northumberland Tourism.


(b)      To monitor, review and make recommendations about:


·       Development planning

·       Neighbourhood Planning

·       Conservation

·       Housing

·       Climate Change

·       Countryside, Biodiversity and landscape quality

·       Waste Management and Energy Use

·       Public and community transport network and travel to school

·       Highway maintenance, Streetscape and the local environment

·       Local and Neighbourhood services

·       Crime, Community Safety, and fear of crime

·       Antisocial behaviour and domestic violence

·       Fire and rescue

·       Emergency services and Emergency planning

·       Customer Services

·       Provision of cultural and leisure facilities

·       Improving quality of life through access to culture and leisure

·       Supporting economic growth in the arts, culture and leisure sectors.


Contact information

Support officer: Nichola Turnbull.

Postal address:
NE61 2EF

Phone: 01670 622617
