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Councillor Caroline Susan Ball
Councillor David Lee Bawn
Councillor John Ace Beynon
Councillor Les Bowman
Councillor Steven Christopher Bridgett
Councillor Daniel James Carr
(Deputy Chair)
Councillor Eileen Cartie
Councillor Gordon Castle
Councillor Trevor Cessford
Councillor Eve Louise Chicken
Councillor Terry Clark
Councillor Patricia Anne Mary Dale
Councillor Wayne Daley
Councillor Lyle Robert Darwin
Councillor Scott James Dickinson
Councillor Richard Robert Dodd
Councillor Elizabeth Dunn
Councillor Paul Devadoss Ezhilchelvan
Councillor Suzanne Holly Fairless-Aitken
Councillor David Ferguson
Councillor Barry Malcolm Flux
Councillor Julie Denise Foster
Councillor Brian Charles Gallacher
Councillor Lynne Grimshaw
Councillor Colin Richard Hardy
Councillor Georgina Emma Rowley Hill
Councillor Colin William Horncastle
Councillor Cliff Humphrey
Councillor Isabel Hunter
Councillor James Ian Hutchinson
Councillor Peter Alan Jackson
Councillor Veronica Jones
Councillor Derek Kennedy
Councillor James Aidan Lang
Councillor Scott Lee
Councillor Mark George Mather
Councillor Nick Morphet
Councillor Mary Bernadette Murphy
Councillor Kath Nisbet
Councillor Nicholas Oliver
Councillor Kenneth Parry
Councillor Wendy Pattison
Councillor Wojciech Franciszek Ploszaj
Councillor Mark Andrew Purvis
Councillor Jeff Reid
Councillor Guy Renner-Thompson
Councillor Margaret Catherine Richardson
Councillor John Robert Riddle
Councillor Malcolm Robinson
Councillor Hugh Glen Howard Sanderson
Councillor Angie Scott
Councillor Catherine Seymour
Councillor Alan Sharp
Councillor Elizabeth M. Simpson
Councillor Alan Smith
Councillor Gordon Stewart
Councillor Martin Philip Swinbank
Councillor Mark David Swinburn
Councillor Christine Anne Taylor
Councillor Trevor Norman Thorne
Councillor David James Towns
Councillor Holly Rebecca Waddell
Councillor Alex Wallace
Councillor Anna Watson
Councillor Jeff Watson
Councillor Richard Watson Wearmouth
Councillor Rebecca Wilczek