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Declarations of interest
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Ashington and Blyth Local Area Committee
Ashington and Blyth Local Area Planning Committee
Audit Committee
Cabinet Shareholder Committee
Castle Morpeth Local Area Committee
Castle Morpeth Local Area Planning Committee
Chairs' Group
Climate Change Public Meeting
Communities and Place OSC
Corporate Services and Economic Growth OSC
County Council
County Emergency Committee
Cramlington, Bedlington & Seaton Valley Local Area Planning Committee
Cramlington, Bedlington and Seaton Valley Local Area Committee
Devolution Working Group
Disputes Panel - Fire and Rescue Service
Emergency Committee
Employment Appeals Committee
Family and Children's Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Firefighters' Pension Scheme Local Pension Board
Food Poverty Working Group
Governing Body of Netherton Park
Health & Wellbeing OSC Rothbury Hospital Referral Review Group
Health and Well-being Board
Health and Wellbeing OSC
Improving Health-Leisure and Fitness Working Group
Inequalities Working Group
Joint Consultative Committee
LGPS Local Pension Board
Licensing & Regulatory Committee
Licensing and Regulatory Subcommittee
Licensing Committee
Licensing Hearing
Member Services Working Group
North East Combined Authority
North Northumberland Local Area Committee
North Northumberland Local Area Council (Rights of Way) Subcommittee
North Northumberland Local Area Planning Committee
North of Tyne Combined Authority Cabinet
Northumberland Cycling and Walking Board
Pension Fund Panel
Petitions Committee
Rights of Way Committee
Schools' Forum
Social Media Working Group
Staff (Appeals) Committee
Staff and Appointments Committee
Standards Committee
Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE)
State of the Area Debate
Strategic Planning Committee
Tynedale Local Area Committee
Tynedale Local Area Planning Committee
World War 1 Coordination Group
zzz Upgrade July 24
Non Pecuniary
Personal and Prejudicial
Ball, Councillor Caroline Susan Ball
Bawn, Councillor David Lee Bawn
Beynon, Councillor John Ace Beynon
Bowman, Councillor Les Bowman
Bridgett, Councillor Steven Christopher Bridgett
Carr, Councillor Daniel James Carr
Cartie, Councillor Eileen Cartie
Castle, Councillor Gordon Castle
Cessford, Councillor Trevor Cessford
Chicken, Councillor Eve Louise Chicken
Clark, Councillor Terry Clark
Dale, Councillor Patricia Anne Mary Dale
Daley, Councillor Wayne Daley
Darwin, Councillor Lyle Robert Darwin
Dickinson, Councillor Scott James Dickinson
Dodd, Councillor Richard Robert Dodd
Dunbar, Councillor Christine Lesley Dunbar
Dunn, Councillor Elizabeth Dunn
Ezhilchelvan, Councillor Paul Devadoss Ezhilchelvan
Fairless-Aitken, Councillor Suzanne Holly Fairless-Aitken
Ferguson, Councillor David Ferguson
Flux, Councillor Barry Malcolm Flux
Foster, Councillor Julie Denise Foster
Gallacher, Councillor Brian Charles Gallacher
Grimshaw, Councillor Lynne Grimshaw
Hardy, Councillor Colin Richard Hardy
Hill, Councillor Georgina Emma Rowley Hill
Horncastle, Councillor Colin William Horncastle
Humphrey, Councillor Cliff Humphrey
Hunter, Councillor Isabel Hunter
Hutchinson, Councillor James Ian Hutchinson
Jackson, Councillor Peter Alan Jackson
Jones, Councillor Veronica Jones
Kennedy, Councillor Derek Kennedy
Lang, Councillor James Aidan Lang
Lee, Councillor Scott Lee
Mather, Councillor Mark George Mather
Morphet, Councillor Nick Morphet
Murphy, Councillor Mary Bernadette Murphy
Nisbet, Councillor Kath Nisbet
Oliver, Councillor Nicholas Oliver
Parry, Councillor Kenneth Parry
Pattison, Councillor Wendy Pattison
Ploszaj, Councillor Wojciech Franciszek Ploszaj
Purvis, Councillor Mark Andrew Purvis
Reid, Councillor Jeff Reid
Renner-Thompson, Councillor Guy Renner-Thompson
Richardson, Councillor Margaret Catherine Richardson
Riddle, Councillor John Robert Riddle
Robinson, Councillor Malcolm Robinson
Sanderson, Councillor Hugh Glen Howard Sanderson
Scott, Councillor Angie Scott
Seymour, Councillor Catherine Seymour
Sharp, Councillor Alan Sharp
Simpson, Councillor Elizabeth M. Simpson
Smith, Councillor Alan Smith
Stewart, Councillor Gordon Stewart
Swinbank, Councillor Martin Philip Swinbank
Swinburn, Councillor Mark David Swinburn
Taylor, Councillor Christine Anne Taylor
Thorne, Councillor Trevor Norman Thorne
Towns, Councillor David James Towns
Waddell, Councillor Holly Rebecca Waddell
Wallace, Councillor Alex Wallace
Watson, Councillor Anna Watson
Watson, Councillor Jeff Watson
Wearmouth, Councillor Richard Watson Wearmouth
Wilczek, Councillor Rebecca Wilczek
There are no declarations of interest on this record for the period